Chapter Three

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*Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!*

I wait for the fourth beep, (even numbers), of my alarm until I reach over and slam the off switch. I feel Adriana move against my side, turning to face me. She snuggles closer to me, knowing that I have to leave soon. I wrap my arm around her and place my head lightly on top of hers.

The time is 4:00 A.M. I have two hours to get all my gear together and head for NYC, where Natalie now lives. I'll probably be arriving there at 12:00 P.M. since it's eastern time, three hours behind, and it's about a four hour flight. I have to meet up with the rest of the CIA team in NYC at 1 so my team (Michael and Courtney) and I will have time to get together and get settled before meeting with the rest of the team.

I still can't believe I actually have to go after to her to *snipe* her. I've known Natalie pretty much just as long as Adriana, but we've never been as close as her and my wife are. I remember back when I was in college, we got into this fight, which prevented us from talking much, but it worked itself out. Sort of. We don't communicate extremely often but there are times I'll speak to her on the phone, sometimes forced to when Adriana is speaking to her.

I look back at the clock and notice 11 minutes have passed. I wait for the twelfth minute to finally get out of bed, but Adriana grips my arm as I begin to swing my legs over the edge of the bed to get out. She pulls me, keeping her eyes closed and I can't help but get back into bed and hug her once more. I savor the feeling of being with my wife in bed because it may be the last I, or she, will ever have with each other. I tilt her chin up slightly, lean my forehead against hers and kiss her.

"I love you," I whisper in her ear as I slide my hand into hers and squeeze it tightly then let go. I get out of the bed more swiftly this time, feeling Adriana's soft hand graze my arm as she attempts to grab it again. I see her move her hand across my side of the bed, searching for my presence as I walk out our room.

I feel a pang of hurt as I leave the door ajar, making my way downstairs to gather my gear. After turning on a few lights, I open the fridge, shuffling containers to find something good to eat before my flight. I grab a case of eggs and some vegetables, and turn on the stove. I crack two eggs, pouring them into a pan, then chop up the vegetables to make an omelet. While waiting for it to fry, I walk to the living room and search my sniper carrying bag, making sure everything is in place and ready. I turn around and notice a small picture frame on our entertainment center. It's a picture of me and Adriana. I get up and walk over, picking up the picture. I smile a little, remembering the fuss we gave each other before deciding to take a picture. *It's only one picture Eric, it won't kill you to just take one*. I remember her saying. She knew I always hated getting my picture taken, especially with my face in focus. Yet, she still convinced me to take the picture, with money as a bribe of course. And for that, I'm glad, otherwise I wouldn't have a souvenir to take with me on my mission. I open the frame, slip the picture out and slide it into my wallet, into the clear slot meant for a picture. I close it and secure it in my sniper bag. I smell the omelet and hurry to turn the stove off. Sliding it into a plastic container, I also secure it into my bag, planning to eat it on the drive to the CIA airport in LA.

I hitch my bag onto my shoulder and make my way out the front door. As I walk down the driveway, I hear slaps of flesh on the concrete. I turn, only to be greeted with a hug that almost knocks me off my feet. I wrap my arms around my wife who has come out to say goodbye.

"I love you too," she whispers, her arms wrapping slightly tighter around my neck. I hold her, just as tight, closing my eyes, wishing so very bad that I didn't have to leave. I feel her start to release, but I still keep my grip. She doesn't refuse and continues to hug me.

I pull away, after a few minutes, and join our foreheads again, like I did in bed. I plant my lips lightly on hers and she tilts her head up toward me, locking her lips with mine. We stand there, in the dark, savoring our (probably, but hopefully not) last moment together.

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