Chapter Eleven

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Michael and I have known Callie since our college years. I actually met Adriana through Callie. I was pretty close friends with Cal, since our freshman year of college actually, so I'd go and visit her often seeing that there was no one who was really free to hang out at my college. She and Adriana went to the same college, so whenever I would go to visit Callie, Adriana would be with her. I started to come even more often, not because of Callie but because I always wanted to see Adriana. I was crazy about her (I still am) and wanted to spend as much time as possible with her (I still do). Eventually, I asked her out, she accepted, and we've been together ever since. I visited almost every week. The only weeks I didn't visit was when I was extremely busy and seriously couldn't leave school. It killed me when I couldn't visit her, but it got me even more excited to see her the next week. The weeks I did get to come, we all would talk a good amount before Callie would say she had to go, and Adriana and I were finally by ourselves.

There was one day, however, when Adriana was sick and hadn't told me, so Callie came by herself to meet me to tell me that Adriana came down with a stomach virus. We talked for a while, which was normal, about school and other stuff. What I found not normal was the fact that she was giggling a little more than usual. We didn't talk for very very long, so I didn't pay much attention to it. After I had left, I received a phone call from Adriana right after I pulled onto the highway. She had asked where I was and how I was doing, which is so like her: always caring for me even when she feels like "she's practically dying" as she would put it. I answered stating I was fine and just finished talking to Callie outside their dorm. Interestingly, Adriana didn't seem completely okay with us talking, and pretty much interrogated me about what Callie and I talked about. I told her the truth: Callie and I just talked about school and just life. I didn't mention, however, that Callie had been slightly more giggle-y. *I'll tell her later. When she's feeling better.* Adriana sounded a little more relieved after I told her what we talked about, but I could tell by her tone that she still had some doubt. I didn't want to spark anything that might start a fight, so I left that conversation alone for the time being, so I just promised her that I would be back sooner to visit and we hung up.

The next time I came to visit, Adriana is in some type of meeting, so again, Callie meets up with me alone. She starts off the conversation with something random, I think it was something about why do I like the shade black, and continued from there. About fifteen minutes passed and Adriana suddenly shows up coming up from behind me. By the look on her face, I can clearly tell she's trying to smile while holding an aggressive comment back. I can also tell that Callie has no idea that Adriana is faking a smile because she just keeps on talking. Later on, when it's time for me to leave, Adriana pulls me aside to talk and tells Callie that she'll catch up with her back at the dorm. Callie leaves, disappointed, and the conversation that follows between me and Adriana is rough. She accuses me of liking Callie because I'm supposedly "entertaining her". I told Adriana that there is nothing like that going on between us. I made it clear that I didn't like Callie and I never would, obviously because I have my eye on one special girl. But for some reason, Adriana didn't fully believe me. She claimed that I was making excuses and intentionally being oblivious. I argued and told her that wasn't true, and honestly didn't know where all this was coming from. Long story short, both she and I walked away unhappy that day and didn't talk for a few days.

We finally did speak again, and when we did, I made sure I apologized and made it crystal clear that I did NOT like Callie, nor was I entertaining her. I was going to ask if she thought that Callie liked me, but I didn't want to start another argument, We made up and never touched that subject again. From then on, I avoided Callie a little more, though, just to be on the safe side, and I think she got the idea that I didn't want to be around her as often as before. I mean, we still talked and whatever when I came to visit but the attitude changed slightly. She seemed a little more distant with every visit. It came to the point where she just stopped coming with Adriana when I came to visit. Ever since then, I don't think I can recall ever actually talking to her again until when I brought Michael with me.

Michael was almost starstruck when he first saw Callie. I would honestly say it was love at first sight for him. However, I don't think it was the same for Callie. I mean, she did seem like she really liked him after the first few months, and when he asked her out, she accepted without hesitation. Unfortunately, she dumped him after almost a year of them dating; I guess because she must've started to get tired of him. It shattered his heart when they broke up. He refused to eat some days, or to even go to class. i tried to beg Adriana to get Callie to go back out with Michael, but Adriana said it was no use; Callie wouldn't be interested, she liked someone else apparently.

I stop pacing, yanking myself from my thoughts, and finally look up at Callie. She stares at me with an unwavering gaze. I do the same. I can tell she's already fixed on not talking or responding to anything I say, but I know how to make her talk.

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