Chapter Two - The Painting

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~ Gabby's P.O.V ~

As I entered a room with the realism paintings my breath was taken away. How could someone be so seriously talented as to make a painting look like it's a photograph? It's incredible. My skills will never get to this level but I'm hoping I could get close.

Walking around the room I see other people who are just as amazed as I am, I'm not surprised to be honest. There are all sorts of different types of realism paintings too with ones that are simply a person, or other ones where they are a little more un-realistic but still drawn to perfection.

I continued further into the room walking past people who were looking at the art on the walls. As I was doing so, there was a particular painting which caught my eye. It was of a beautiful woman in a long orange dress stood in a field of flowers. I couldn't take my eyes off it, it literally looked like a photograph.

I walked over to it examining it closely. There weren't many people over here which was surprising because it's definitely one of the best paintings in there. There was so much detail in the painting  that you felt you were there in the field of flowers yourself. This person must've been painting for years on end to get their skills this good.

"Oh hey, do you like my painting?" I whipped around really fast causing my hair to fly up and hit the guy's face. Why do I have to make every situation so awkward? "Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I speak quickly apologising to the boy in front of me who is covering his face with his large hands. "Yeah it's fine don't worry about it." He chuckles, making me feel better that I didn't hurt him. Once he removes his hands I am met with a pair of mesmerising green eyes, you could seriously get lost in them. 

"Wait, did you just say this is your painting?" I asked with an obvious shocked expression on my face, he must think I'm crazy. "Yeah, do you like it?" He replies making my mouth open more in shock. "Are you serious?! You must have studied art since you came out of the womb! This is so amazing." He laughs at my comment. "Thanks, I guess I have been doing art my whole life. It's all I do in my spare time." I'm not really surprised to be honest with you. "You're insanely talented, I'm looking to improve my skills with this type of art because I'm thinking of doing something like this for my final piece." I tell him, I'm not really sure why though. "Why don't I teach you some skills you can use? I'm not sure if it will be a huge help but it won't hurt." I'm so taken back by his words that I forget to answer.

~ Harry's P.O.V ~

She doesn't reply to me for about ten seconds, which makes me think I've been a bit too forward. Why do I always make every situation so awkward? "You don't have to, it was just a suggestion." I say quickly, making her snap out of her daze. "No no I'd love to, that would be a big help." She replies quickly flashing me a smile. 

"Great, I'll give you my number and you can call me some time." I indicate for her to give me her phone and she does so. Taking it I open up her contacts, add a new contact and add Harry to my number. I pass back her phone and she looks down at it smiling. "Nice to meet you Harry I'm Gabby." She holds out her hand and I shake it.

"Thanks by the way for coming over to my painting. Not many people usually do." I finally say when I let go of her hand and scratch the back of my neck looking down at the floor. I don't understand how I can feel so easy around her when we have literally just met. "What? I don't believe that for one second. This is amazing! How can not many people come and look?" She questions. "I don't know...I guess other people have better paintings." I chuckle answering her question, she doesn't seem amused though. "Not true. Your painting is by far the best one in here, I can tell you that." She says sternly. "Thanks, that really means a lot." I smile back at her.

"No problem, it is the truth after all." She smiles. "I have to get going now because we've been told to meet back at the front at 1:30. I'll call you tonight though." She sends me a final smile as she walks away. "See you soon!" I call after her, and she turns around and waves. I wave back. I'm looking forward to seeing her again.

~ Gabby's P.O.V ~

Harry is so cute! And he's going to help me develop my skills. Today cannot get any better. Apparently it can because as I walk into the cafe myself and Sophie spot that they have pizza! 

"Oh my god I am so ready for this pizza right now." Sophie says as we both pick up a slice of pizza. "Me too I'm so hungry." We then both get a drink, I get a 7up and Sophie gets a Dr Pepper. As we are queueing up I spot a few chocolate bars, I grab a twix and Sophie picks up a crunchie bar. We pay for our food and head back outside to where the rest of the class are.

Myself and Sophie sat down on the grass and begin eating our food. "That pizza was so good." Sophie says after we have finished eating. "Yeah, I was so hungry." I reply, taking a sip of my drink. "Have you figured out what you're going to do for your piece now?" Sophie asks me whilst taking a bite of her chocolate. "Well I met this really nice guy and he said he would help me develop my skills in painting realism. His art was amazing and he's so cute." I answer her. She stops eating her chocolate and looks at me, I knew what was coming.

"Oh my god! What was his name? How old is he? Will i get to meet him? Oh my god Gabby this is so exciting!" She squeals. I laugh at her and begin to explain. "Well his name is Harry, and I think he is 19 and you may do because he will probably be coming over to the dorm here and there." I smile at her "Gabby!" She squeals once again. "I can tell you like him." She wiggles her eyebrows causing me to laugh again. "So what if I do he would never like me back. He is so out of my league." My laugh dies down because I know it's true. "How do you know though? He didn't have to give you his number but he did anyway." She nudges me playfully causing me to roll my eyes. "That's only because he agreed to helping me and he would need to get in touch." I tell her. "Yeah, yeah you keep thinking that way." It's now her turn to roll her eyes at me. "Shut up." I laugh at her as she pretends to be hurt.

"Everyone back on the coach now it's time to leave." Mine and Sophie's conversation is interrupted by Miss Keegan and I'm relieved because I didn't want to carry on talking about Harry. We got back onto the coach and listened to Sophie's music all the way back. I can't wait to speak to Harry again.



Heyyy, here's chapter two.

Only like 3 of my friends read this but oh well, I enjoy writing (:

Leave me your thoughts, thank you

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