Chapter Four - Coffee Shop Conversations

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~ Gabby's P.O.V ~

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun in my eyes, quite nice weather considering we live in Manchester. I reached over to my bedside table and unplugged my phone from its charger putting my glasses on also, looking at the clock on my phone the time was 9:47 and I had plenty of time before my meet-up with Harry. Considering last night I fell asleep at 2 am, thanks to youtube and my phone, my body doesn't feel as tired as I thought it would be.

"Oh my god you're finally awake! I tried to wake you up before I went out but you wouldn't budge. You sleep like a rock." Sophie exclaims as she comes through the door holding a plate of toast that she probably sneaked out of the canteen. "It's not that late and it is a Saturday you know, I wouldn't have to move all day if I didn't want to." I say back looking at her from my position lying down, probably with a double chin on my face. "I know but we have to get you ready for your da-" I cut her off before she can continue. "It's not a date! We are simply going out for coffee as friends. If we even are friends... all I know is that his name is Harry and he likes to produce amazing art." I stop myself from rambling on, I tend to do that a lot. "Well I was going to say day with Harry but take it however you like." Oh.

I feel my cheeks starting to blush. 

"No! Stop putting words into my mouth." I say, sitting up and crossing my arms with a pout on my face. "Okay okay, I won't say anything about him anymore if you don't want me to." Sophie looks at me out the corner of her eye. "Thank you." Is all I reply before I begin eating the toast which Sophie got for me. "Thanks for the toast, by the way." I say sheepishly. Sophie looks up from the work she is doing. "Yeah yeah, just like any other day." We both chuckle before continuing what we were doing.

After finishing my toast I go to the showers and refresh myself for the day. Once I get back to my room I find a note on my bed. 

Gone meeting a friend for a while, probably won't see you until tonight.

Soph x 

That's strange. I know all of Sophie's friends. Maybe it could be something to do with the reason why she was smiling down at her phone last night...

Once I change into my outfit Sophie picked out for me last night, I look in the mirror to make sure I'm completely satisfied with the look. Knowing that I am, I go over to the desk which has mine and Sophie's makeup in. Pulling out my drawer and picking up a tray of everyday makeup, I place it down on the desk in front of me. I turn on my favourite playlist of music which consists of mainly One Direction, 5SOS and a bit of McFly and begin to start my makeup. The look I end up going for is a subtle brown eyeshadow with thin eyeliner and minimal amount of mascara completed with a nude lip, I didn't make too much effort as the only plans I had were having coffee with Harry, which would only probably take about half an hour. 

By the time I was finished getting ready it was 11:30.

~ Harry's P.O.V ~

All today consisted of was working on my painting since the moment I woke up, which was 8:00. No matter how much I want to sleep for longer I always wake up some time before 8 o'clock. My body clock just has it's mind set.

It was around 12 when I started to get ready for meeting up with Gabby, since I had nothing else to do. Today was going really slow.

At around 1:30 I started to walk towards the coffee shop on her university campus, it was about a 20 minute walk but I wanted to get there early. Plus it was a nice day, which is strange because ever since I moved here about 2 months ago, the weather has been really quite grim. It's better than being back there though... I never want to go back there.

Once I arrived at the coffee shop I spotted Gabby sitting near the back on a table with two comfy looking chairs. She spots me once I start walking over and smiles cheerfully. I return the pleasant gesture.

~ Gabby's P.O.V ~

He looks different to what he looked like yesterday. He wore a khaki green jumper, black skinny jeans ripped at the knee with all black converse topped of with a grey beanie on top of his shiny curls.

"Hey how are you?" I started off the conversation as he sat down opposite from me. "Great actually, the weathers really nice." He glanced out of the window. "Yeah, it's good for Manchester weather. Do you want a drink?" I ask while standing up out of the chair. "Sure I'll have an iced coffee please." I nodded my head before walking to the counter.

"Can I have an iced coffee and an earl grey tea please." I gave the barista the money and she went off to make our drinks. I waited at the side until our drinks were ready and I walked back over to the table with the tray in my hands, being extra careful not to spill them. Harry put his phone back in his pocket once I placed the tray on the table and thanked me for the drink. 

We sat sipping our drinks for a few seconds until Harry broke the silence. "So shall we discuss a schedule?" He asks while putting his drink down on the table. "Sure. Which days are you free?" I ask, also putting my drink down. "Everyday apart from Tuesday and Wednesday, what about you?" He replies, "My free days are Monday, Friday and the weekends so it fits perfectly. How many days a week are you okay with doing?" 

"Two or three? It's really up to you." I think for a while until Harry speaks again.

"How about we start off with two and then if you feel like you need more we can do three?" Good offer, I thought. "Yeah that sounds great. Whatever is best for you." I smile, taking a sip of my tea.

"Nice one. Can I ask what you do to find inspiration for your paintings?" Harry asks me, but I don't really have an answer. "I don't really do anything particular, I just paint them." I answer with a shrug. Maybe I do need to start getting more inspiration. "Why don't I show you where I go to get inspiration?" Harry interrupts me from my thoughts. "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on y-" I start but Harry interrupts me before I can finish. "No no no! Not at all. I don't have any plans all day in fact." I think about the offer for a moment before speaking up once again. "Looks like you do now!" I say with a cheesy grin on my face. "Shall we get going?" And with that, me and Harry were off back to his apartment to retrieve his car to go out for the day.



Not updated in ages but I've been writing this one for ages.

Please comment and all that jazz.

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