Chapter 1 - Back to Basics

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Author's Note:

So this is my first ever Wattpad book and I'd like to thank everyone who bears with me and reads it. I realize it won't be the best book but I will do editing and rewriting when I have completed the book. Don't be afraid to comment, vote, and share. Any feedback, positive or negative is welcome but please respect me and my book and not right hateful comments. They will be deleted. This whole book will be in Ariella's point of view with maybe a few chapters in other people's point of view. Anyway I hope you enjoy it and, again, thank you for taking the time to read! XOXO!

(Hi guys, I know I had this up and I took it down. I told myself it wasn't good enough but I came back to it and I'm gonna make it better, I hope. Thank you so much for sticking with me!)


(Two Weeks Ago)

I woke up in a bad mood. I was not thrilled to be up at 5:30 in the morning. However, I had to attend school. The first day of my senior year.

With a groan, I eased out of bed and walked into my bathroom. My house was massive. Being the mayor's daughter has its perks. I turned on the hot water and took off my clothes. I stepped into the shower and let the hot water chase the sleepiness away.

I stepped out and wrapped a fluffy, dark red towel around my petite body. I quickly brushed my teeth and wrung out my hair. I crossed my room and into my closet. I strapped on a lacy black bra and slid on the matching underwear. I threw on a black crop top and my favorite blue jean shorts. I also grabbed a tan, short-sleeved sheer overcoat.

I applied some light mascara and brushed through my hair, deciding to leave it in its natural brunette waves. I checked the time on my phone noticing I still had half an hour. I smiled slightly to myself.

I laced up my tan combat boots and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and slid some money in the front pocket. I grabbed the car keys to my baby and walked to the floor length mirror. I gave myself a nod of approval and opened my door.

As I walked out, I immediately could smell the aroma of bacon, which had me sighing in content. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where I noticed my father reading the morning paper at the counter.

"Morning." I chirped. I heard them both say good morning back as I sat at the counter, dropping my bag to the floor as I ate a piece of bacon that was on the plate in front of me.

"You excited for your first day of your senior year?" My mom asked with a bright smile. I rolled my eyes with a groan and my mother laughed. I checked the time and noticed I got a text from my best friend Delilah.

'Starbucks in 10' It read. I stood up from my seat and grabbed my bag.

"I've got to go. Thank you for breakfast, mom. See you later dad." I said as I headed out to the garage door.

"Bye sweetie, have fun today." I heard my mom say. I closed the door behind me and walked around to my black 2018 Ferrari 488 GTB. My dad loves to show off. Everything is always extravagant. Nonetheless, I absolutely love my car. I smile as I hit unlock on the keys and open the door. I get in and put my bag in the passenger seat and my phone in my lap.

I press the button that opens the garage door. I drive out of the driveway and on the road. I get to Starbucks seven minutes later and grab my phone. I grab my black designer sunglasses from the glove compartment and open my door. I get out, put my sunglasses on and walk to the door.

A guy lingering outside opens the door for me and I give him a smile as I step inside. I stop and lift my sunglasses. I do a quick scan of the room and spot my best friend at our usual spot in the corner. I smile as I walk towards her. I get close and my smile fades as I take in her expression.

"What's wrong?" I demand and I sit down, placing my phone on the table.

"Johnny broke up with me this morning. He said he met some chick while he was in San Diego at a club." She says with a frown and sighs into her caramel iced coffee. Her and Johnny Davis starting dating Junior year just before Summer break. I didn't expect them to last long because Johnny happens to be the best friend of the biggest player in school, Damien Crawford. His dad practically owns Crawford High School, the school I attend, and is known as the school's bad boy. Damien also is my enemy but I'm not getting into that now.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to get Kyle to beat him up?" I ask her. She shakes her head no and I frown slightly. I check my phone and my eyes widen slightly.

"Shit. We have to go." I tell her. She snaps her head to me and mutters a string of curse words as she reads the time. "We have twenty minutes until homeroom. How did you get here?"

"I walked." She says as we both grab our things and scramble out of Starbucks.

"Hop in." I tell her. I quickly unlock my car and get in. I put my sunglasses on and phone in the cup holder as Delilah opens her door. I toss my bag in the backseat and put the keys in the ignition. I turn it on and drive onto the street.

I speed slightly and weave through traffic as best as I can. I see the school and turn right into the parking lot. I park my car and grab my bag. With my phone and keys in hand, I open my door and gracefully slide out.

"We made it." Delilah says as I start walking across the freshly cut lawn of the school. Groups of people crowd around the school and I spot Kyle in his usual place under a palm tree. He sees me and smiles. I smile back and walk to him and our group of friends.

"Hey, I was beginning to think you two would never show up." He says as he walks to me. He slings an arm over my shoulder and leads us back to his table. Kyle is like a brother to me, we've been friends since kindergarten.

"Traffic." I say and wave it off. He nods and Delilah messes with her twin brother.

"Come on, Zac. Let me fix your hair. It looks so messy." She says as she chases her slightly older brother Zac around our group.

"No. It's looks fine. Just go away, Delilah." He says. I laugh a little at their antics. I remove Kyle's arm from my shoulder and step in front of Delilah with a smirk.

"Now, now. Behave Delilah. It's the first day and he's a man. Let him wear his hair like that." I wink at her as I hear Zac sigh.

"Thank you." He says. "At least someone has some common sense."

"Besides, I think his hair is adorable." Delilah tries to hide her laugh as Zac's face reddens slightly. His hands fly to his hair as he smooths it out.

"Bitch." He mumbles under his breath. I fake gasp and feign hurt. I put my hand to my heart and wrap my other arm around his shoulders.

"Why do you have to be so mean?" I fake cry with a sniffle in between every word. He laughs and I straighten out. I hit his shoulder with a smile. Just then the school bell rings signaling that students have five minutes to get to class or they'll be marked late. I sigh. Homeroom with Ms. Lee. Fun. I wave goodbye to Zac and Kyle and walk away. I link arms with Delilah and she groans.

"Well here's to the first day of hell." She says and pumps her fist in the air. I laugh at my best friend and hope that today goes well. A feeling in my chest tells me something is going to happen but I don't let it dampen my mood.

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