Chapter 3 - Assholes and Nana's

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I enter the classroom just as the bell rings. Mr. Canfield looks at me disapprovingly and I quickly take a seat, Jax sitting next to me on the left. During the car ride, I asked him what his next class was and sighed in relief as I found out he had the same class as me.

I had apologized to him for not actually showing him around the school and he responded with telling me we'll do it later. We talked a bit about our tastes in music and what we want to be after high school. I was surprised when he said he likes hip hop and rap but the obvious country music as well. He plans to go to college but is still undecided.

"What are you doing after this?" He had asked me.

"I'm going for my masters in psychology." I responded.

I hear a snicker and look to my right. Damien looks like he'll burst out in laughter at any moment. I scowl at him and turn towards the front.

"Alright class, glad you all have a seat because they will be your permanent seats for the whole year." He says. I groan and raise my hand with lightning speed.

"No, Miss Herrington. You may not change your seat." Mr. Canfield says like he has to say it every year, which he does. Somehow, every year, I've had to sit right next to the jackass.

I sigh and take out a pencil and notebook as I realize this is going to be a long period.


"Do you want to have lunch with my friends and I?" I say to Jax as we exit the classroom. I look at him and he nods. We round the corner and push open the double doors to cafeteria. I walk to the door that leads outside and push it open.

I see my friends in our usual spot of the courtyard. I smile and wave to Delilah as she catches my eye. She smiles at me and looks at something behind me. She looks back at me and gives a questioning expression as we near the table.

"Delilah, this is Jax Malton. He's new here. Jax, this is Delilah Jacobson, my best friend." They exchange pleasantries. I nod at Delilah. "You ready?"

"Yeah let's go. Is he coming?" She nods to Jax. I shrug.

"Do you want to come with us to get lunch?" I ask him. He looks to George Farr and waves us off with a smile.

"Nah, you two go. I'll stay here with them." He sits down and easily fits in with George and his friends, talking about football. I turn and walk with Delilah to my car. When we're far enough away, she squeals.

"He is so H-O-T, hot." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Congratulations, you can spell basic, three letter words." She gasps and hits my arm. I laugh.

"Asshole." She mutters. We turn the corner to get to the parking lot and I notice Damien, of all people, looking at my car. I walk a little faster until I know he can hear me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask as I cross my arms. He glances at me and rolls his eyes. He mutters something that is too low for me to hear.

"I see daddy bought you a new car. He's got some taste." He says. My anger soars and I clench my fists.

"Actually, I paid for half of this and picked it out." I say with a scowl. "I have this thing called a job and an allowance. I saved my money for years. You should try it sometime."

I get the reaction I wanted from him and smirk. He doesn't say anything else and storms off. I smile and get in my car, Delilah following suit.

"I can't believe you two are still going at it. It's been like twelve years." She sighs. I fidget in my seat.

"Thirteen." I correct her. She rolls her eyes and I start the car.

"Oh, whatever." The drive to Nana's Pizzeria is a comfortable silence. It's sort of like our tradition to go to Nana's on the first day of school. We've had went there for dinner every year since third grade. We just started going for lunch last year when I got my first car. My dad had gotten me an electric blue Dodge Charger. I still have it, it's just in the garage. I use it often still.

"Do you like him?" Delilah suddenly asks. "Jax, I mean." I look at her and she has a goofy smile on her face. I shrug.

"He's nice, funny, and hot. What's not to like? Oh, and his accent is heavenly." I say with a laugh. I pull into the parking lot and grab my phone and keys. I exit and Delilah does the same. I lock up my baby and head towards the door, trying to escape the heat.

"But would you date him?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and I roll my eyes with a laugh. We stand in line behind a women with two children at her hip. They ask her a bunch of questions and she answers them with a few laughs. I smile.

"No." I say honestly. Delilah stares at me wide-eyed.

"Why not?" She nearly shouts. I apologize to a few on-lookers and they get back to what they were doing.

"He probably has a girlfriend. Besides, I barely know him. Oh and the first thing he did was hit on me. He's probably just another stupid player." She gives me an exasperated look and I shrug. We move to the counter and I look to her.

"What do you want? Lunch is on me." I say with a smile. She smiles back and orders a chicken Caesar salad and a bottled water. I roll my eyes. Delilah Jacobson, everybody. Leave it to her to buy a salad at a pizza place. I order two slices of pepperoni and a Mountain Dew.

The cashier hands us our receipt and I notice that her hand lingers on mine. She gives me a seductive look and I blink. I frown. I go to tell her that I'm not interested when I get pulled away. I silently thank Delilah.

"Thanks. You didn't have to pay." She says as we sit down. We wait for the waitress, Maria, to bring us our food and I take a bit. I moan a little and wipe my face free of the grease.

"It's the first day of school so you know what that means. My dad is throwing his banquet tonight. Are you coming?" I say with a grin. My mom always makes him get the expensive caterers when they host parties so the food is always to die for. Delilah nods eagerly.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I laugh at her as we finish our food and head back to my car.

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