Chapter 5 - Agreements with the Devil

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I park in my reserved spot and grab my purse. I check myself in the mirror really quick and look at my best friend.

"You ready?" I ask her. She nods.

"Let's do this." I get out and lock the doors as they both shut. I put my phone and keys in my purse and link arms with Delilah. We walk in sync all the way up the stairs. Two people stand at the top and open the doors for us as we walk in. I thank them and unloop my arm from Delilah's.

Many eyes turn towards us as we walk in and I see smiles and nods of approval. I smile and wave to everyone and they soon turn back to what they were doing. I scan the crowd, looking for one person, but I don't see him.

"I see a cute guy over there. I'm going to talk to him. Wish me luck!" I laugh and wish her good luck. I sigh as I keep looking around. Suddenly hands are on my waist and a voice whispers in my ear.

"You look beautiful." He whispers with his heavy accent. I jump slightly and turn around to look at him. I smile and look at his attire. He wears a black suit and a white tie. Typical. Although, I must say he the suit accentuates his body well.

"You don't look to bad yourself." I say with a half smile. He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Let's go. I'll introduce you to a few people." I walk around tables and through the crowd and walk up to a large table in the front. I look back and see Jax is still right behind me. I smile at him and approach my parents. They see me and grin.

"Ariella, I was wondering when you were going to show up. Fashionably late as always. Just like your mother." My dad says and my mom lightly smacks his chest with a laugh.

"Mom, dad, this is Jax Malton. Jax this is my mother, Genevieve and my father, Asher." I announce. I watch as he shakes hand with them both. They smile and Jax strikes up a conversation about football with my dad. They talk about football and my mother comes to stand next to me.

"He's very handsome, that man." She says quietly to me. I nod at her.

"Yes he is." I admit to her. I look at my mom and notice she has a slight frown on her face. "Everything okay?" She looks at me and leans her head down towards my ear.

"Your father has a business deal and it involves you. We need to discuss this now. Be in your father's office in ten minutes." She whispers. She straightens up and walks to my father. She says something to him and they walk away. Jax walks over to me and he has a smile on his face.

"Your dad seems cool." I grin at that.

"Yeah he is. Listen, I have to go speak with my parents about something but I'll be back in a few minutes." I say to him.

"Yeah of course. Go. I think I can handle myself." He says with a slight tease in his voice. I laugh and weave my way through the crowd. I get to the back stairwell and open the door. I take off my heels and climb three flights of stairs. When I get to the top, I put my heels back on open the door. I walk down a small hallway and open a door. Inside is my father, mother, and the Crawford's. I see the only seat available is on the love seat next to Damien. I slowly sit next to him.

"Great, now that everyone is here. Markus, would you like to tell them?" My father says. I look to Mr Crawford and he has almost a proud expression on. Mr Crawford owns a law firm and high school but Mrs Crawford runs the school. She's the principle.

"Recently the company has been loosing money because we're no longer the only law firm in town. We need a big publicity stunt to get back on top. We need you two." Mr Crawford says as he points to me and Damien. I look to my mother with a confused expression but she keeps her head down.

"What do I have to do with this?" I ask clearly not understanding what's happening. I look to Damien and he looks just as confused as I do.

"You are very important to the plan. We need you and Damien to date." My eyes widen and I nearly choke on air.

"What?!" Damien and I say at the same time. I squint my eyes at him with an angry expression. He returns the look.

"It's just for the public. You'll go out to restaurants and do everything I couple your age would do. Including being around each other in school. You need to act as if you're in love and you need to make everyone believe it's true. No one must know about this." My father says. I look at my mother and try pleading with my eyes. She just avoids my stare and I slump in my seat.

"How long do we have to keep up the charade and when do you want us to start?" I ask distastefully. The look in father's eyes tell me to go along with this. Damien glares at me but I keep looking at my father.

"A couple months at most and you'll come out as a couple tonight. When I give my speech, I'll call Damien up to say a few words and he'll tell everyone. Make it look real and don't disappoint me, son. Remember, your career is on the line here, too." Mr Crawford says. I'm surprised Damien hasn't said anything but it's clear he is angry.

"Okay, I'll do it." Damien says. I look at him shocked but he only stares blankly at his father.

"Great, now let's get down there. Wouldn't want to keep the people waiting." Mr Crawford says. I get up and walk back out the door I came in. I angrily walk down the stairway and I hear footsteps behind me. I don't bother taking my heels off this time so my steps echo through the halls.

"Ariella, wait." Damien says. I ignore him and keep walking. I hear him mutter a few curse words. "I said wait." He lightly grabs my arm and twists me around. I slap his hand.

"What?" I almost yell.

"We have a few things to discuss. Like rules and boundaries." I scoff and start walking down the stairs.

"We'll talk about it later. We're obviously going to have to leave together. I just want to get this over with." I say. I walk out of the stairwell and spot my best friend. She stares at me confused and I mirror her image.

"Did I just see you come out of the stairwell with Damien Crawford?" She asks shocked. I nod.

"Yeah about that, there's something I need to tell you-" I'm cut off by the sound of a tapping. I look up to stage and see my father on the stage. My stomach starts turning in knots as I realize this is actually happening. I feel my face flush and I do my best to de-stress so the color can return.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming out tonight.  This town prides itself on our very educated and successful graduates. Who more to thank than the very man who has spent many years building our incredible school system. Please welcome, Mr and Mrs Crawford." He says. I watch as they make their way on the stage with smiles. They shake my father's hand and my father leaves the stage. Mrs Crawford steps up to the microphone first.

"Crawford High dedicates time and money to making our children learn how to be the best they can be. This year's graduates are as great as last year's and next year's will be the same. Although, this year is my favorite as my dear son, Damien, is in the graduating class." She says. everyone claps for her and she moves out of the way for her husband.

"I'm honored to announce that we'll be donating a million dollars to children in Iran to have a better education. I'd also like to add that my son, Damien Crawford, has brought our school's football team to the championships in the last few years. Damien, come up and say a few words." Mr crawford looks proud as his son waves and smiles to the crowd. He stands next to his father and winks at the crowd, making a few girls go wild. He starts his speech and it doesn't help the feeling in my stomach.

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