Cant stop thinking...

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I sat down, and dropped my books carelessly besides my desk. Blake nor Nathan was in my first class. But all I could think about was Blake! What if we are never friends again!? Ugh I'm soo worried!
I tried everything I could do to get him off my mind but it wasn't working. I was dozing off into Invisible air. I was blocking out all the sounds and people,
Focusing on me and Blakes friendship.

Mrs. Crossly- "Kailynn can you repeat everything I just said about the industrial revolution?" She shouted..

Bobbling my head in surprise I was trying to find where she was in the room.

Me-- uh no sorry. I was dozing off.

Mrs. Crossly-- pay attention!!

I took my arms and crossed them upon the desk just waiting for the bell to ring.

15 minutes later....

Riiiinnnggggg. The bell rang.
I bent down to grab my books and I rushed out the door, now I was on my way to Algebra. Nathan is in this class, the only one we have together. Algebra room 506 was right around the corner.
I entered with a wondering look on my face. I was looking for Nathan. If I talked to him it would keep my mind straight and not so focused on me and Blake.. Nathan wasn't in the room yet but I just sat down waiting for him. He sits right across from me.
I was writing in my agenda, not really paying any attention to what was going on. Yeah I doze off a lot. He tapped on my desk and I looked up and we both stared into each other's eyes and he smiled a bit as well as I. I felt as butterflies were flying everywhere in my stomach. I felt, I felt.. A connection. I knew we were meant to be..
Nathan- "so after school I'm going to the lake house around the corner from the pizzeria. Would you like to meet up at the lake house after school?

Me-- "yeah that would be awesome"

Nathan- "ok, that sounds like a plan"

The class began,

Mrs.cummingham- "okay everybody take out there books and reap chapter 14." So I did as I was told and read the stupid book.

5 hours later..

Okay it's the end of the day, I was walking home but I heard a voice behind me saying "wait up for me! Where are you going!?" I turned and well, it was Blake of course. .

Blake-"how come your not riding home with me and my mom today? Like all the other days?"

Me- "i don't know I just think it's a good idea for the time being" I continued walking looking down at my black vans.

Blake stopped following me and just stood there for a couple of seconds, soon getting the idea to turn around and continue his way, so he did.

So when I arrived home I grabbed my laptop and went on Twitter, Blake tweeted "wishing we could be friends with benefits" hm I though that I wonder what that's all about.. Anyway I was scrolling threw my feed then I totally forgot! I have to go meet Nathan at the lake house! "Shit!"
I rushed into some comfortable clothing and grabbed my phone and phone charger and left.

10 minutes later,
Okay I'm 5 minutes away, I'm really excited but kind of worried because I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him. I just hope everything will go smooth.

Okay I'm here! As I was walking up to the lake house door I saw......

Until chapter 4..

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