Stupid Cupid

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     'I hate blue lights .'  I thought. The lights on an ambulance are too bright and I hate the stupid breathing mask. "Nessy, are you okay?" Naveen said trying to see past the EMTs.
     "Sir, you need to back up." Said the curly, red haired lady at my feet, strapping me to the stretcher.
     "Naveen?" I squeak.
     "Yes! I'm here!"
     "Sir, step back." She warned again. She walked around and climbed in the cab to drive. She left the door open. They started to roll and the other EMT started to shut the door. Naveen took off running and jumped in the open door.
     "Hey, stupid Cupid. You could have missed and hit the ground and broke something." He puffed at Naveen, then focusing back on me. "Does this hurt?" He said shoving my stomach down hard.
     "That would hurt anyone, the way you a pushing on her!" Shouted Naveen. He was so protective, but he doesn't even know me.
      "Sir, please shut up and let me do my work!" The EMT snapped back.
      "Pleases, I don't need to go to the hospital. I'm fine," I say. I wasn't fine. I was scared - scared they would find out what I am. I was scared he would find out.

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