Wake Up--Part 2

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Riley's POV

I opened my door seeing Dylan. His hair was spiked up in the front like usual and he was wearing a black tee-shirt and blue bathing suit bottoms and Adidas sandals.

"Are you gonna stare at my gorgeous body all day or can we go?" Dylan said grinning largely.

I rolled my eyes walking out, flicking Dylan's forehead before I turned around and shut my door.

Now standing in front of Dylan I put my hands on my hip, tilting my head lightly. "Your a very conceited, you know that" I narrowed my eyes, still looking straight at Dylan.

"It's not conceited dear Riley. It's knowing your good looking." He tapped my noes walking past me, grabbing my arm and pulling me down the stairs towards the backyard doors.

Going down the stairs I was surprised when I didn't fall. Just trip.

A lot.

"Ow Dude, slow down." I said gripping the side of the table to get him to stop.

He let out an irritated sigh before letting go and turning towards me.

"Well can you hurry up. Sheesh I've been waiting for you and your mom is gonna be angry. It's 1:30. And when you were sleeping she said to make sure you are ready by one." He said rolling his eyes very dramatically.

I fixed my skirt before grabbing the brush on the table brushing and fixing my hair that now looked crazy thanks to Dylan.

"She's gonna be angry either way. Trust me she'll blurt out something like 'I've been waiting for ever' or 'Why do you take so long it's just the pack' which as you know annoys the hell outta me." I said now grabbing his arm and dragging him through the sliding door seeing the entire pack having fun.

"Where have you been! I've been waiting for ever!" My mom said throwing her hands in front of her before throwing them down at her sides.

I shot the I-told-you-so look at Dylan and he put his hand up in the surrender motion before pointing both finger towards the table of food and walking off.

"Mom. I had to get ready. You can't look this good in less them am hour." I said jokingly knowing that would get me off the hook for being late.

"Well I can agree with you because well...look at me! And before you go find Kate I want all my friends to see you. They've missed you" She grabbed my shoulders pushing my towards the table full of mothers.

My eyes were wide as I was ring pushed into the mother load.


It was like in those movies when the main character is in slow motion and an old lady with the weird lipstick goes to the poor child for a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Ahhh! Oh My God! Riley honey, you look fantastic!" A lady in a blue dress screamed. Who the hell is she?

"Ah Ha Ha. Thanks" I did that awkward laugh and patted her back as she hugged me.

When she let go she sat back down and other people greeted me saying I looked great and that it's been forever. After that my mom pulled me aside and spoke. "Honey, go find Kate. She's with Derek and their both with Alex. Go!"

I jumped a little when she yelled 'Go' loudly in my ear and decided to go find them.

Walking down the steps to the backyard I looked around not seeing them at the pool but seeing them at the sitting area in one part of the backyard talking and drinking beer.

It was Alex, his cousin Eric, Mark his brother Matt, Dylan, Derek and who I'm assuming is Kate sitting on his lap.

I could see Alex's head snap towards me first as he looked me up and down his gaze stopping at the part of my stomach showing before he turned away. Then, Dylan's head snapped my way so I guessed he either heard me coming it he could smell my sent so to say.

He got up, setting his beer down and walked towards me.

"Hello lovely. Took you long enough. You know, I started to think that you hated me and wanted to ignore me but then I remembered that no-one can ignore me. Especially you." He said casually, throwing an arm around my shoulders as we continued to walk towards the group.

I sighed. "Dylan. Don't think that so soon." I said referring to the 'no-one can hate me thing.'

"Yeah well, whatever." He said sitting sitting in his chair from before as we reached them.

"You all know Riley obviously so I'm gonna sit down and finish my drink" He said sitting down, tipping his beer bottle up and them drinking it.

I let my eyes roam around the backyard taking everything in with a deep breath.

"Hi I'm Kate. It's great to finally meet you!" Kate said taking my attention off of the backyard and onto her. She held her hand out with a small smile as I shook her hand.

"Hey. I'm Riley as you obviously know. It's great to meet you too! My mom won't stop talking to you. She loves you" I grinned in her direction and she ginned to as she sat back down on Derek and he wrapped his arms around. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off.

"Wow." Dylan said staring at the ground with narrowed eyes and a frown.

My eyebrows furrowed as I frowned "Why wow?" I questioned looking straight at Dylan.

He looked up at me with wide eyes "Your being nice." He stated seriously as if in shock.

My jaw dropped as everybody else laughed. "I can be nice. Remember when I took you to the beach." I said now sitting in the gap of his chair on his side with my legs hanging over his and the chair's side.

"Yeah I do actually. I drove there, paid for gas and paid for our food." He said his facial expression saying 'I-told-you-so'

"Yeah well" I narrowed my eyes and biting the inside of my cheek, before adding "Your just mean."

Everyone had laughed and I rolled my eye before taking a sip of Dylan's beer much to his dismay.

"Damn Riley. You were never this funny or hot two years ago. You know why don't we go out. I can show you a real fun time" Matt said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I looked over at Alex to see him looking pissed as he glared at Matt and let out a low growl that Matt didn't seem to hear.

"You see Matt. Your an arrogant piss headed jerk and frankly enough, I've had more fun with a dog then I'll ever have spending time with you." I have him a sickly sweet smile before looking away from him.

A silence took over as no-œ spoke.

"Riley, I love your top where'd you get it?" Kate questioned breaking the silence.

"Uh in Australia. I'm pretty sure it was a 'Forever 21' store." I replied looking down at my top picking a piece of dust off before looking back up at Kate.

Her eyes were wide as she spoke "Your boarding school was I'm Australia!? Your so lucky! I've always wanted to go there."

"Uh..." I looked at Dylan from the corner of my eye who had tensed his face having that scary-calm look.

I put my hand on top of his squeezing it lightly before replying to Kate.

"Yeah it has it's ups and downs but its great. Especially the beaches and shops. There awesome." I replied giving a small smile.

I talked to Dylan as everybody else talked amongst themselves.

"So you gonna go swimming?" Dylan asked drinking his beer.

"Hell yeah! You have to come to though."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will don't worry I'll come."

I frowned "You didn't say a conceited comment like 'Geez come down women I know you love me.' Or something like that."

Dylan let out a laugh shaking his head before bringing his beer to his mouth taking a drink.

Kate turned towards me and started speaking.

"Hey this may seem odd and all but do you want to come meet my friends. They came to this pack with me so they've wanted to meet you too" Kate said nodding her head towards three girls sitting on a blanket under a tree.

"Yeah sure that'd be great." I replied getting off of Dylan and ruffinginly his hair with his hands swatting at mine before I turned and saw Kate giving Derek a kiss on the cheek before turning to me and giving me the sign to follow.

I crossed my arms as we walked me and Kate making small conversation.

When we reached we both sat down on the blanket as Kate introduced us.

"Guys this is Riley. Riley, this is Megan, Kristy and Gabby." Kate said pointing to each of the girls.

"Hey it's nice to meet you guys." I said waving shyly.

"Your outfit is so cute!" She exlaimed loudly. "I wish I had money to get more clothes." Kristy said frowning. I guessed that she was the very outfoing one. Megan rolled her eyes before replying to Kristy.

"Oh stop complaining. Maybe if you get a job like most people you would be able to get clothes."

"Not all people have jobs. Riley, do you have a job?" Kristy said. Now having everybody looking at me I replied.

"Uh actually I've never had a job. I make Dylan give me money." I threw my thumb carelessly behind me pointing towards Dylan.

Kristy opened her mouth about to reply before Gabby burst into the conversation. "Is Dylan your Mate!?" She said eyes wide.

My jaw dropped as my face slowly turned from surprised to disgusted. "Ew! Gross no! He's just my best friend" I assured and her mouth turned into a circle as she mouthed 'oh' and shrugged.

"Well then have you found your mate?" Kate questioned me and now attention was back on me.

"Uh..I actually......"

A/N: There will be a new chapter with more of everything probably a Part 3.

Why do you think of the new Cover?
@AngHinson made it. I absolutely love it! Follow her if you can!

What do you guys think she'll say about having a mate?

Do you think Kate knows about Riley's past?

What do you think Alex will do when she decides to go swimming?

If you have any questions feel free to ask but don't complain about me updating please.

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