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Summary: In which Beastboy asks a question, and Raven doesn't know how to answer it.


I was trapped.

Stuck between telling a bold truth, and a daring lie.

How could I have gotten this deep into a conversation with Beastboy.

"Because you love him, but you're too chicken to admit it." My conscience butted in.

I scowled slighty, forgetting that Beastboy was only a few feet away from me. A confused gaze flashed in his eyes and he reached for my hand.

"Raven, if you don't want to answ-"

"No,  I just need to think about my answer." I interrupted, pulling my hand away from his reach.

A hint of sadness covered his face when he glanced at my hand retreating from his.

I shouldn't have done that, why am i always such a mess up.

Why did he have to come into my room, looking incredibly handsome,  at midnight?

Why can't I just tell him how I feel for him?

Why can't I stare into his exotic, Emerald Green eyes all day and night without getting nervous?

Why can't I play with his messy green hair?

Why can't I kiss his perfect, button nose that fits perfectly on his face?

Oh my, and that fang. That fang has driven me mad since day one. The way his full lips smile to fit perfectly with his fang. Oh, how I would love to kiss those lips. So full, so plump. 

"Rave? Raven??" He called for me, Interrupting my thoughts. I realized that I was staring at his facial features for at least five minutes.

My face began to get hot, signalling that I was starting to blush.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. I could feel the annoyance radiating off of him, making my heart shatter.

"Raven, If I knew you were going to be zoning out the whole time, I would have woken up Starfire." He groaned.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Only an inhumane sound, which made him cock his head to the side in confusion.

He stood up from his criss-crossed position on the floor and ran his hand through his hair again.

"Forget about the question I asked Raven,  I-I will just see you later. " He insisted, heading to the door. 

I quickly stood up from my previous criss-crossed postition and ran to stop him in his tracks.

"Beastboy....  Please wait." I said hesitantly. His Emerald Green eyes glowing with anticipation.

What is your answer to his question? My conscience mocked.

My thoughts suddenly headed to the question that he asked me.

What are you Afraid of Raven?

Without thinking,  I blurted out the first answer that came to my head.

"Beastboy, I am Afraid of losing you. You may think that this is idiotic, but I am in love with you. So deep in love with you. I wake up only to see your face and I go to sleep dreaming of you beside me. My world always revolves around you somehow and I just can never get you out of my head. My stomach flutters when I hear your voice. My heart beats crazy when I hear your jokes. Sometimes I even yearn to kiss you. I can't even count how many times I've cried myself to sleep, just because you wouldn't pay attention to me. If you ever left the team, you would break me. I would be broken and I will never be able to be put back together. I can't even imagine you leaving, Hell I don't want to imagine you leaving. If i did,  I would be emotionally distraught. I think, what I was afraid of doing was losing you. I just love you too mu-"

Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips on mine.

Beastboy, who pinned me agaisnt the door, had one hand on my waist and the other on my tear-stained cheek. His lips kissing mine softly. I had no reaction, but the only thing moving were my eyes.

"Kiss him you fool! You've been dreaming about this your whole life and now you have the opportunity!" Yelled my obnoxious conscience.

Realizing what she said was true, I moved my left hand to the back of his neck while my right landed on his cheek. My lips molded with his as he deepened the kiss. His tongue battling for dominance against mine.

Out of instinct, I rubbed my thumb against his cheek. A wet fold was over his cheek, making it seem like he was crying.

Had he been crying

I pulled away, to his disbelief, and searched his face. His eyes were full of passion, and he tried to pull me back to his lips quickly. I turned my head, making it impossible for him to kiss me.

"Ravennnn." He whined.

I smiled a little smile and snaked my hand to the back of his head, playing with his hair.

"What are you Afraid of Beastboy?" I asked, adding a little kiss to his nose.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm afraid of losing you too Rave. And no I'm not going to add a long ass speech to prove my point. "He said while chuckling the last part.

With my hand on the back of his neck, I pushed him a little more closer to my lips until he was merely inches away.

"Awww, but how will I know if you truly love me when you dont give me a speech?"

He moved his head closer until our lips were almost touching.

"Well I'll just have to show you, won't I?"

Finally, he closed the space between our lips.

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