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A/n: Beastboy and Raven aren't Teen Titans nor are they anywhat weird. Also, both of them are 23 and fresh out of college. 😊

Summary: In which Beastboy does something unforgivable, and Raven doesn't know whether to leave or stay.


"I Don't trust him."

I briskly turned around to face my Mother, who was sitting down in her favorite chair. "Who Dion't you trust Mother?" I asked, confused at her sudden outburst.

She gradually lifted her head to face me, and then frowned. "You know who. That fellow boyfriend of yours, what's his name again?"

I groaned slightly, then turned away from her. My Mother never has trusted Garfield. She thinks of him as a trouble making bad boy, but he has just had a rough past. Sure he has a few problems, like he has a alcohol problem and anger issues; but he's just misunderstood.

"His name is Garfield, Mom."

She shook her head and got up from the chair that she was just sitting in. "He is not right for you Raven. You are a great, loving person. You have a heart." She walked to where I was standing and stopped in front of me, lifting her wrinkled fingers and pointing to where my heart was. "There is all the proof you need Raven. You are good.".

"Are you saying that he is evil! Are you saying that I supposedly have a heart and he was just born without one? Don't you go there with me Mom, because there is nothing wrong with him! He is just misundersto-"

"Don't you raise your tone at me young lady!" My mother growled.

Tears pricked the corner of my eyes because of the hurtful words she spat at me. I calmly inhaled a deep breath, and turned around to gather my things. "I think It's about time I head home." I mumbled.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her nod her head; showing that she was agreeing with me.

Once all of my things were gathered, I headed to the front door of her home.

"Raven." She called out for me.

I turned my head her direction, waiting for her to say something. She hesitated a little, then sighed. "Be safe around him, okay? I know I sometimes over react and start putting labels on him, but my Mother instincts tell me that he is up to no good. However, if you love him and believe in him enough to see past his flaws, then I will start doing the same. Just remember that I love you sweetie, and I respect all of the decisions you make. You just shouldn't make the same mistake that I made with your Father."

A small genuine smile spread across my face at her attempt of apology. She was my Mother after all, I shouldn't be fighting with her about my Boyfriend. Even if her apology didn't seem as reasonable as I thought it would be, I still needed to accept it.

"I love you too Mom.".

30 minutes later

"Home sweet home." I said airily as my feet stopped right in front of the apartment door that I and Garfield had rented out a few weeks ago.

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