Chapter 12

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Hazel POV~

Dinner went by really fast, no one even bothered with sitting at the right tables any more. Getting in trouble due to seating arrangements was the least of our worries. Now we were sitting in the Poseidon cabin waiting for Percy, Jason, and Thalia to wake up. "What do you think will happen when they wake up?" Frank wondered allowed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Like will it be waking up from a nap or..." he said. "Well we're about to find out looks like punk sleeping beauty over here is waking up" Leo said pointing to Thalia. Thalia's eyes flutter open, she looks at the 5 of us crowded around her with a confused expression on her face, "I blacked out didn't I" she sighs. "So did they" Annabeth said nodding her head over to were Jason and Percy were still passed out. "Idiot-oh no" was all Thalia could say before she was in the bathroom puking in the toilet. "Well Frank ole boy" Leo said leaning against Frank's shoulder "thats what happens when they wake up. A fiesta of undigested food!" "Leo shut up your discusting" Piper snapped. For a minute the room was silent filled with the sounds of Thalia in the bathroom, that was before Percy and Jason woke up. Both of their eyes shot open and you could tell probably guess what happened next. Percy literally acrobat rolled off of his his and sprinted to the nearest trash can, Annabeth ran over and held his straggly black hair out of his face. Jason however wasn't so lucky, since the bathroom and the trash can were occupied, he rushed out the door, Piper on his heels, and threw up over the balcony. For the next few minutes the cabin was filled with wonderful sounds and smells until finally the 3 of them had threw up everything they ate in the passed 24 hours. Jason came in the room followed by Percy and Thalia, who all still looked like they could blow any minute now, and came and sat on the bed next to Piper. "Ugh, why, why, did that just happen. I like tasting my food once" Percy complained. "Well thats what you get when you let your mouth run free and say stupid things" Annabeth said. "Okay so now that this puking party is officially over" Leo chided "What now? What do we do now? I mean Bradshaw has our hands tied behind our backs." We sat in silence. Now that I really think about it there really isn't much we can do anymore except Eat. Go to school. And Sleep. If there's one thing I know for sure there is over 120 ADHD demigods in one place, we don't like to stay still for a long time and from my point of view we have stayed still for far too long. We are getting restless, power is starting to stur, With 5 big three children alone we could take out half the army. Who knows what the rest of us can do, after a while Leo spoke up "Has anyone seen or talked to Chiron?" "N-no, I haven't seen Grover since the day we got attacked and the last time I saw Chiron was...that same day" Percy said with wide eyes "Oh gosh, what did they do and where did they go."

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