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"We're moving." I was actually pretty happy. My life wasn't the best. After my mom died, I still had my little brother, and my dad at least. At school people would make fun of me and sometimes physically hurt me. I was nervous though because I would be moving from LA all the way to Sydney, Australia and that meant a new school, new teachers, and new insults. (and people commenting about my accent) Eh, who knows? I could meet a lot of nice people, although I have no idea how to act around people.

"Stella!" I smiled as my little brother ran up to me from the school bus.

"Hey Pat!" He gave me an evil glare.

"I told you I want to go by my middle

name, Patrick is like an old man's name, gosh sissy!!" He huffed and crossed his arms. His full name was Patrick Liam Montague. (I convinced my mom to name him after Patrick Stump of fall out boy)

"Whatever Liam lets go." I chuckled at him as we started walking down the street to our house talking about how school went.


"Dad we're home!!" I shouted down the hall.

"Grab me a beer." I sighed. He had developed a little bit of a drinking problem when mom died. He had also got anger issues, so everyday was like walking on eggshells.

"Are you staying here tonight, Patrick?" He slurred at his son.

"I... Um think..."

"Are you gonna answer me or are you just gonna stand there wasting my time?" He was annoyed.

"We are going to aunt Carol's tonight so no." I answered for him.

"Ok good I'm having my friends over, I don't need you guys bothering us."

That wasn't necessary to say to his 7 year old son was it?

"Go grab your bag and ill go buy us some ice cream." I smiled at the upset boy. His face perked up and he ran to grab his stuff.


'2 new messages!' My phone lit up.

From: uncle tim 👮(he is a cop)

hey kid heard you were moving?! You need to come by and see me soon! 😫

'Yea I will probably stop by after school tomorrow. 🚌'

I didn't want to leave him, he is the one who helps me out with Liam and homework and I love that big guy.

From: trev 💰

hey come smoke?

'Ill try. Save me some good stuff man.' I tapped away on my phone.

Yea I smoke weed every once in a while. Trevor was my only friend. He has never made fun of me, we grew up together. Everyone was saying we would fall in love but it hasn't happened, but I like hanging out and smoking a bit with him. I have way too much stress and I like the feeling of being high. It's my escape.

I snapped back into reality when I heard a quiet shatter. I ran up to see if Liam was ok. He was sitting in his bedroom looking down at a broken photo frame.

"Liam are you ok? What happened?"

I whispered as i picked up the glass.

"I was walking and it fell over, mommy gave me this frame." He sniffled.

"It's ok, I can fix it don't cry. Take the picture and I can find some replacement glass or something."

He hugged me and grabbed the picture of the happy family we used to be.


I got to Trevor's house at about 8:45 after I made sure Liam was safe at my aunts house.

"Hey I started without you." He whispered.

"No shit, I can see how clouded you are." He laughed and passed me the bowl. My breaths were long as my lungs engulfed the vapors. I held it in for a bit and exhaled softly. A few more hits and I was already out of it.

"So um... Stel, what are you going to do in Austria?"

"It's Australia and I don't know, try to get on everyone's good side. I'm just trying to get by and focus on my grades." I said, munching on some cheese nips.

"You're not gonna find a hot surfer are you?"

"Hell no. I don't think Australians are even 'hot'." Making air quotes with my fingers.

A few episodes of duck dynasty later and it was 11:30. I said bye and started walking back to my aunt carol's apartment to snuggle up next to Liam.


OK SO HEY GUYS I know this was probably boring but y'know it was the first chapter and stuff. If you don't like the whole smoking part, let me know idk if I want it to be in the story. But it leads up to some gooood drama :)


I already have a couple if the other chapters written so the updates won't be slow or anything

I hope you keep reading yay. ilysm ok bye

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