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Fly 4

"Stella, your partner will be back, he had a call at the office." Mr Manta whispered at me. I nodded and put my head down to close my eyes.

"Hey love wake up." I felt a poke in my side. I gasped and jumped, he scared me. "Woah don't take my head off." I squinted to the familiar smiley Ashton. "I had a call, sorry." I nodded and got out my pencil to do the assignment. He called me love, I'm still not used to that.

"It's ok, so lets begin?" I rubbed my eyes.


In that short period of time I learned a lot about Ashton, I learned that he has a brother very similar to mine named Harry. He is in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer, he's 18. And he's really cute.

we had ten minutes free time after our assignment on Kenyan culture.

"What do you and your friends do?" I asked.

"We play in our band, and we act like idiots 24:7" he laughed. "What about you?"

I looked down at my hands. "Well I don't have any." He had wide eyes, obviously surprised. "I mean I only have one, Trevor. When we hang out, we just watch movies."

"How can you only have /one/ friend?" i was silent. "I didn't mean it like that... but you just seem like you'd have more."

"Um, I guess people don't like me, I don't know." I nervously said.

"Well you've got me, Lukey boy, Mike, Calum, and Mack. So you have six friends." He smiled really wide. "And you might meet more friends at my party on Saturday?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, um are you asking me if I want to go or something?" He was confusing me.

"Yes silly."

"Ok, I'll go." I've never been to a party and had fun.

after getting permission from aunt el and will, I was pretty excited.


The Australians are fascinated with me. I was already invited to two parties and I liked being liked. The is one girl - Felicity. She kept making fun of my accent and saying it was fake. Whatever.

It was only 3 and Ashton's party started at 9 so I decided to call Trevor.

"Hey Aussie what's up?" He answered.

"Oi I'm doin' swell!" I said in an awful accent.

"Are you serious?"

"Am I ever?" I laughed. We talked for an hour and half about my new friends, he was really happy for me.

"Have you done you know what?" I knew he was talking about cutting. I got really stiff, he was the only one that knew about it. "Tell the truth."

"No I haven't, I promise," I knew he didn't believe me. "Want a picture ?" I sent him a pic of my wrists and a selfie.

"I'm really proud of you Stells, maybe this is your big break." By now I had to start getting ready so we got off the phone.

My long brown hair was curled /finally/ after an hour and a half. My cheetah shirt tied in the front and I was wearing khaki skinnys that made me look curvy, I used to hate them. Moving here really gave me a confidence boost, I probably look like shit but I feel damn fabulous and that's all that matters. I ran downstairs after applying the usual eyeliner, mascara, and bronze eyeshadow.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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