chpt 4

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"Hello Lilith." he took my hand and kissed it gently. I blushed.

"you wanna come in?" Louie didnt even answer he just walked straight passed me into the room "ok then.." i sighed and shut the door.

"So, Lili. I was thinking, we haven't really has a chance to hang out in a while. I mean like, just us."

"yeah. i know." i sat on the couch and he sat beside me.

"Do you want to go on a kitchen raid?" he asked, a bit nervous that i might say no.

"I'd love to! I'll grab my purse and we can go." i was excited. We haven't had fun like that in like forever. I got my purse and rushed to the door. He seemed surprised. "Come on! Let's go before they lock up." He got up and we left. I could already here my friends giggling as we walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

When we got there, the doors were open but the lunch ladies were gone. Louie opened a cabinet and pulled out a box of chocolate bars. I took one and hopped up on the counter. As soon as i unwrapped it the smell of the chocolately goodness hit my nose and i took a bite.

"Is there any Mtn Dew in the fridge?" i said between bites. Louie opened the fridge and looked inside.

"yep." he tossed me a can. I popped it open and gulped it down. I tossed my can and wrapper in the waste bin and burped. Louie just watched me. I felt a bit uncomfortable.

"what? Do i have something on my face?" i asked and wiped my mouth to find that there was nothing there.

"No you're just.." he paused. 'i'm what? ugly? fat? disgusting? disturbing?' i thought. "Beautiful." My jaw dropped at his response and i do believe i was blushing redder then a tomato.

"N-no i'm not.." i looked at the ground but he lifted my chin.

"Yes you are. You don't have to harm yourself anymore either. i know you do, Lilith." he rubbed my wrist. There were no scars but some how he knew. Even though i don't scar i do it anyways. i don't scar because of my vampire ability to heal so fast. Yes i feel the pain but its only for a second. Then it's gone.

"How did you know?" i asked.

"I used to cut too. That is, before i met you."

"oh Lou." I hugged him tight and held him close to me. He smelled so amazing, i just wanted to melt into him. But he pulled away.

"Lilith.." he paused and searched my eyes with his bright blue and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too Lou." with that the most amazing thing happened to me. Louie had passionately crashed his lips into mine and i thought my head would explode. It lasted about 30 seconds and he pulled away. I blushed "wow." was all i could say. He smiled and our lips connected again. Much longer this time. We started to move in sink. His tongue glided along my bottom lip asking for entrance. I parted my lips granting him the entrance he wanted and out tongues danced. He was between my thighs now with his left hand on my hip and the other pinning me to the cabinet. He started to kiss down my neck when someone came into the kitchen.

"Hey! No making-out on the counters! God do you know how unsanitary that is?" said a tall and thin boy. Louie turned and smiled.

"Hey Liam."

"Oh, hi Louis." i hopped down and grabbed my purse.

"I'm just gonna go back to my room." i said and started to walk away when Lou caught my wrist.

"I'll come with you"

I smiled. "ok."

"Louis are you coming back to the dorm tonight or are you going to stay with your friend here?" Liam asked waggling his eyebrows at Lou. Lou looked at me and i smiled nodding for him to stay.

Everything but Normal chpt 1Where stories live. Discover now