chpt 5

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A/n sorry for not updating in awhile iv been a bit busy the past few days but to make up for it heres a long chpter all about Thalia! we havent quite heard her story yet so heres a bit.. Anyways please COMMENT & VOTE!!! I'm nervous no one will like it... so, thank you my Lovely Readers! Enjoy ^-^**

Thalia's POV

Cynthia and Bella left at around 5 and have been gone for what seems like hours. Lilith said she was going to bed early so i decided to paint my nails. I went with a purplish-blue color. (purple is one of my top favorite colors) It took two coats before i could put on the clear coat of non-chip.

As i was waiting for them to dry someone knocked on my door. I figured it was Cynthia coming back from Harry's. "Come in." I called and to my surprise, Zayn walked through the door. "Oh, hey Zayn."

"Expecting someone else?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

"Uh, yea I didn't think you would be out this late. Curfew is in 30 minutes."

"Well i wanted to see you and i figured I'd stay the night since, clearly, Cynthia isn't coming back from Harry's."

"How'd you know she was at Harry's?"

"I stopped by there too. I left because there were a few disturbing noises coming from their bed rooms... if you know what i mean."

"Oh. Yea, I'll have to confront her on that later." I paused and looked into space for a second. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"I was wondering if i could see your power? Considering I showed you mine. ya know.. its only fair."

"Uh, yea, sure. Open the window." he looked confused but did as i asked. All it took was for me to close my eyes and whistle a short tune. When i opened my eyes a blue jay flew in through the window and rested on my extended finger.

"Wow. How'd you do that?"

I shrugged. "I've had this ability since i was seven."

"Does it work on other animals?"

"Well yes but, I've only tried on cats, dogs, birds, squires, rabbits and horses."

"thats amazing."

"thanks." i released the jay and it flew right back out the window just before Zayn closed it.

"Did you know your eyes glow when you do that?"

"Really? What color?"


"ha, no wonder why grandpa looked at me like a loony bird." We both laughed. Then it was happening again. He was leaning. I was leaning. Was i finally about to kiss Zayn Malik? Yes. No? Maybe? His hand was now caressing my cheek ad he continued to lean closer and closer until our lips met in a passionate kiss. What was it that i was feeling? Well i don't f*cking know but it was something really close to fireworks. It was like the whole world stopped and it was just us. There, together, alone, paused in our own little world.

I loved everything about him. His touch, his voice, his kiss, his eyes, and oh god his smell. He always smelled so amazing. sure i've only known him for two days but its felt like forever. I think i really love him.

Now the kiss was becoming more and more intense. His hands were on my hips moving to the hem of my shirt. Oh God Zayn no. Please don't. He was trying to take off my shirt now, succeeding and now was pinning me to my bed. He kissed down my neck and chest stopping at my bra. I knew exactly what he wanted: sex.

No i'm not a virgin. I lost that with my first and only boyfriend, until now, from ninth grade. His name was Ryan. He was tall strong and hansom. Like every girl would want and i thought i did to until he became controlling. He wanted sex one night and it was my first time.. i didnt want it yet, but he didnt listen. Ryan raped me of my purity. After him i was always scared of having another lover.

Zayn was unbuttoning my jeans. " Zayn no. Please i..i cant.."

"Shh. It's ok babe." I was starting to panic and push him off, but he pinning me down. His eyes were no longer their beautiful chocolate brown, they were blood red. 5he shadows began to engulf us when the flash backs started.


"No Ryan, please don't be like this." i begged trying to push him off of me.

"No. You're mine and i will love you now and when i want."

"Not yet. Please. I.. i'm not ready." I must have made him angry because he slammed my head into the head board of my bed by my hair.

"You're ready when i say you're ready." with this i began to cry. I knew he was going to rape me. My parents wouldn't be home for hours. Even though there was no way anyone could hear me i screamed. I screamed as loud as i could.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME! PLEASE! ANYBODY! HELP ME PLEASE!" but it was no use. He had penetrated me and taken me innocence.


My jeans were off and all i had on now were my pink polka dot bra and black panties. I didn't know i was crying until Zayn wiped my face, but he didnt look like Zayn. It was Ryan. I started hyper ventilating. His eyes widened.

"Thalia whats wrong? I'm sorry its ok calm down." he reached for me and i screamed. I backed up until i hit my head board. I kept screaming until Lilith came running into my room.

"Thalia! Whats wrong? What happened?" then she looked straight at him and got in his face. "Zayn! what the hell did you do?!"

"I..I dont know i didnt.." he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Get him out! get him away from me! Hes going to hurt me again." I screamed with tears falling with each word. Lilith was at my side rubbing my back now.

"Sweetie, Zayn isn't going to hurt you." she said in a calming voice.

"That isn't Zayn! Its Ryan! Hes going to rape and abuse me again" my face fell into my hands and i began to sob.

"Thalia, Ryan is gone. He isnt coming back. You are with Zayn now and he isnt going to hurt you." she hugged me tightly and released. I looked up. Ryan was no longer in the place of Zayn. It was him again. I let out a shaky breath.

"Lilith will you bring me a cup of tea?" i asked.

"Of course. With honey?"

"Yes please." i needed a minute with Zayn to explain every thing that just happened. I'm surprised hes still here after all that.

I explained everything. From when Ryan asked me out to when they took him away.

"I'm so sorry i didnt know." Zayn said in shock.

"Its ok. you cant change the past ya know." i shrugged.

"But i shouldnt have forced you like that. I should tell you that my father was also a witch like me. He was evil. He tried to control and hurt people. My mother is a fairy. She stopped him before i was born but not for long 'cause he tried using me as a sacrifice. Me being an infant, i was a virgin."

I was so shocked by Zayns story i hadnt even noticed Lilith come in with my tea. "Here you go. Just how you like it. Herbal with honey and scolding hot" she chuckled as she handed me the cup.

"thank you." i replied taking a small sip. "I'm sorry about that Zayn."

"Its ok. like you said we cant change the past." he paused. "i will never do that to you again Thalia. Even if it takes everything in my will power. i wont hurt you again."

I put down my tea and hugged him tight. "thank you Zayn. You have no idea how much that means to me." he lay me back so he could tuck us in. We lay there in silence until he spoke. Three words i have been aching to hear.

"I love you, Thalia." he whispered while petting my hair.

"I love you too, Zayn."

Everything but Normal chpt 1Where stories live. Discover now