Trouble in paradise part 2

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Scott's POV

I sit in the recording studio, surrounded by the other bandmates. We sit in silence, going over the notes for Rose Gold in our heads.
Kirstie and I capture everyone's attention when we lock our lips together. Surprisingly, Mitch didn't have anything to say. He sat still with his arms crossed in front of him.
However, Esther did blurt out the words, "Okay, y'all are cute but..learn to get a room." She rolls her eyes jokingly.
Kirstie and I break the kiss and burst out into laughter along with the rest of the group.
I scan the room to notice everyone is laughing, except for Mitch.

Mitch's POV

I clear my throat, waiting for the laughing frenzy to die down.
Everyone's attention snaps to me.
I pause for a minute, debating on telling the group about my sexuality, and decide to confess.
"I have an announcement to make." I spill.
They stare at me blankly, waiting for me to continue.
"After a lot of thinking, and I mean A LOT, I have finally decided on who I really was a very hard and questionable subject but, I'm finally ready to come out.."
"Shoot" Avi says casually, resting his elbows on the armrest of the chair and pressing his fingers together.
"I-I'm Bisexual..." I utter softly.
To my surprise, everyone heard what I had mumbled because I got a lot of wide eyed stares.
"Mitch, if that's who you are then..that's great! And we're happy you've found out who you truly think you are!" Kevin says cheerfully.
A chorus of "yeahs", "definitely's" and "absolutely's" are followed from the group of people surrounding me after Kevin's small speech.
"Thank you guys for understanding!" I beam, embracing everyone in a hug.


•After recording• (cause I'm lazy)

Kirstie's POV

Scott offered to drive me home after the recording, so I took his offer. After all, he did drive me there. I sit in the passengers seat of the red Porsche, twiddling my thumbs when I feel Scott's firm hand on my upper thigh.
"Are you okay babe?" He asks concerned, not taking his eyes off of the road.
I break my gaze from my thumbs to look at the side of Scott's face.
"Yeah." I reply with a shrug.
And with that moment, we pulled into my driveway.
I spot Olaf from outside, resting at the windowsill. His scratches his paws on the window as he sees me exit the car.

"Someone's excited to see Mom." Scott says, nudging my shoulder.
"And Dad." I add, gazing into Scott's ocean blue eyes.
Scott blushes at my comment and pulls me into a passionate kiss.
Not going to lie, I saw fireworks.
After all this time and he still makes it all feel so magical.
"Well, I'll see you later, Scottland.." I say smiling widely.
"Until then, my love." He jokes, pulling me into a single, short and sweet kiss.

I mainly just watched Criminal Minds on Netflix for the rest of the day with Olaf, when I heard a soft knock at my door. I turned the door knob in a counter clock-wise motion, revealing Mitch standing at my door with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Hey Kirst..can I come in?" He asks.
"Sure, come in!" I smile, welcoming him inside.

Mitch's POV

I stand inside Kirstie's home frozen in my spot. Completely unsure of what to say.
"Uh..erm..w-we need to t-talk." I mutter softly
"Oh, okay. Go ahead Mitchie." She smiled.
She's adorable. God dammit am I ever in a situation.
I don't know what to say, I sit there, completely oblivious to where this conversation will go.
I have nothing to say, do, or I just kiss her..without any time for her to resist. This is so feels so right. The part that I expected, but didn't want to happen was that she didn't kiss me back, she tried to resist.

God dammit Mitch. Stop it.

Before I could stop myself, the worst thing possible happened...Scott walked in.

Scott's POV

Kirstie's been at home alone for awhile ever since I left this morning and Mitch went out to the store. I decide that I should go pick up dinner for Kirstie and I and bring it over to her house. I grab my keys and exit out the front entrance. After stopping at McDonalds and grabbing us both some burger combos, I head over to her house. I happily skip up the driveway, probably looking like a little kid, when I notice Mitch's car parked. Why would he be here? I don't know, it didn't matter at the moment I was just really excited to see Kirstie..even though I already saw her today.
Here it goes, Scott you'll finally be able to ask her what you've been waiting for.
I try the front door to see if it's open and to my surprise, it was.
As soon as I walked in the front door, my joyous expression had faded.
My best friend had been kissing my girlfriend.. I couldn't help it..I let the tears flow down my cheeks and I dropped the food in my hand, letting it fall to the ground.
Kirstie pushed herself off of Mitch
"Scott I-" Before she could say anything else I ran out of the house and drove away..I just needed time to think.

Kirstie's POV

Why? Why did Mitch kiss me? He possibly just ruined everything for the three of us.
Scott had slammed the door behind him, leaving the room filled with painful silence.
I let tears trickle down my cheeks.
How could I be so stupid? I tried so hard to detach from Mitch..but he wasn't letting go.
I glared at Mitch before running up the stairs.
I wasn't able to make it to my room without Mitch grabbing my wrist.
" Kirst, I know you may not be in the best mood right now, but we need to talk."
I just nod in response, I think we both need to clear the air.

We sit on the couch beside each other. The same spot we had shared a kiss not too long ago. Which reminds me of Scott. I whimper softly.
"Why'd you do it, Mitch?" I ask, pursing my lips together.
"Kirstie, I know it wasn't handled in the best way but, I have very strong feelings for you that I just couldn't deny have to understand."  He pauses, reaching out to grasp both of my hands.

"But I promise, I will get over it..because you and Scott love each other, and y'all deserve the stars and the moon. One day, I will find another guy/girl that might come close to being as amazing as you." 

I blush, Mitch truly is a genuine and amazing friend, that deserves an amazing person that will love him as much as I love Scott..I'm just afraid that I can't be the girl to love him.

"I really appreciate that, Mitchie." I give him a warm and comforting smile. "You are one of the greatest friends a girl could ask for." I say, embracing him into a warm hug.

(friend zoned!😂)

"Now, I think we should go look for Scott." Mitch says softly.
I inhale deeply, gathering all of the events that took place this afternoon.
"Mitch, I'm worried..what if he never wants to speak to me again?" I trail off, "He probably hates me."
"Kirstin, that's nonsense. Scott loves you and you know it..if we gather all the band mates and explain everything to him, then I'm sure everything will be fine, okay?"
"okay." I whisper softly.
"Now, let's go find ourselves a Scottland Richard Hoying!" Mitch stampedes towards the door.
I trudge behind him. I'm nervous. My palms are sweaty. And my hair feels like it's coming out in clumps. This night could end like a fairytale where Scott and I ride off into the sunset, or, my worst nightmare; Scott never speaking to me again...

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