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New Hampshire Daily Bulletin -
July 26, 1951

Last night, officials reported the murder of Albert Johnson (42) and his daughter, Arabella Johnson (17). Wife, Lilian Johnson (40) is reported missing and unstable. In need of medical attention immediately. If found, stay away as far as possible and call local police. Highly dangerous. No reports or clues have been found as to why Albert and Arabella were murdered. Funerals will be held next Sunday at the Hillside Community Church. All is welcome. If you have any clues as to what happened to the Johnson family, please call local police immediately.

New Hampshire Daily Bulletin -
July 26, 1952

Today marks the one year anniversary death of Albert Johnson, and daughter, Arabella Johnson. No reports have led the murder, and wife, Lilian still hasn't been found. Johnson mansion is now for sale on the market again starting off at a bid of $2,000,000. Anyone is welcome to come see the house in all of it's glory. If anyone has information leading to the deaths of Albert and Arabella and the missing of Lilian, please file a report to local police immediately.

New Hampshire Daily Bulletin -
May 16, 2016

It has been 63 years since the murder/missing of the Johnson family. Lilian Johnson was pronounced found and dead last night, after a passerby found her remains in a ditch near the Johnson's mansion. Still no reports as to who caused this horrendous accident to this poor family. With a sad note, police have closed the case due to no reports or clues after 63 years. The Johnson family murder case will haunt this town for many more years to come, as to who would do this horrible act to this poor family. May they all rest in peace.

New Hampshire Daily Bulletin -
July 26, 2016

Today marks the anniversary of the death of the Johnson family, and after 64 years, Multi Millionaire Harry Styles (19) has decided to buy the mansion with a bidding of $5,000,000. When asked why he decided to buy the infamous murder house, he said,"No comment." Reports say he has built a white gate surrounding the whole house and has stated that if anyone comes near his property, he will have them fined with a whooping amount of $100,000.


oh um ok wow

so this story is gonna have smut and drinking and smoking and if you're not into that maybe don't read it ?? haha idk

but if you copy my story i swear i will find you and i will kill you jk killing isn't nice.

also this is my first fanfic so don't laugh lmao. ok first chapter will be up later today.

- flohrize

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