Chapter 1

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I look up at the enormous house in front of me. It was rather hideous, like everyone else said. It had two large, tall grand white pillars in front of the entrance. It had big windows that were covered by something I couldn't see from the outside. The door was also white, with engraved wood pieces of flowers. There were leaves all over the stairs leading up to the entrance, and there were newspapers that looked untouched. Some wood on the stairs was eaten up by what looked like gnats. Too say the least, this house looked old.

I slowly walked up the wooden stairs leading up to the house. I stepped on something that made a crunch noise, and I looked down to find a newspaper. The date read July 26, 1950. I chuckled at the fact that this house hasn't been touched since that many years.

At first, my mum was unsure of me moving all the way from England to New Hampshire all by myself. I was growing up, though, and I had to get away from the town I knew too well, and go somewhere unknown. Like an adventure.

The only thing the realtor, Ms. Woods, said when she released the house to me after I signed the contract was,"Good luck, you need it."

People told me this house had history, but I would shush them when they would start telling me the story. I don't get scared easily, but I wanted to go into this house not knowing what was ahead of me.

I grabbed the key from the back pocket of my jeans, and I stepped towards the front entrance.

I slowly put the key inside the lock and turned it until I heard the door unlock. I opened the door, and almost choked as dirt and what smelled like mildew came into my senses.

"What the hell.", I muttered under my breath. Didn't Ms. Woods think of cleaning up the house a bit before she sold it off to some idiot, like me?

I stepped inside and under my step, the floor creaked with uncertainty. I gasped as I stared at the house in front of me. More alluring than the outside that was for sure.

In front of me was a grand, marble staircase that led up towards the second floor. Besides the staircase was a wooden brown table with a vase of fresh flowers in it. Didn't she say that this house has been untouched since the last owners? I shrugged off the feeling of uncertainty. 

I closed the door behind me, and I continued to look around. The tan colored paint on the walls was peeling off, and there was a bit of mold growing off of some of it, explaining the foul smell. There were shelves filled with pictures of people. I walked closer to get a better look.

It was a family. The first picture on the shelf was a man with crystal blue eyes, and dark brown tousled hair. He was standing in front of a house much similar to the one I was standing in right now. He looked like he was around his mid 30's, early 40's.

The second picture was of a women standing next to the man in the first picture. It looked like they were getting married, considering she was wearing a white laced wedding dress and he was in a tuxedo. There were flower petals falling from above them, and the smile on the women's face was filled with happiness. Her grey eyes were filled with coldness though.

Suddenly, a feeling of repugnance filled over me. I pressed my hand against my mouth trying not to puke, and I ran towards the nearest room praying it was a bathroom.

With luck in my pleasure, it was a bathroom. I ran towards the toilet, and gripped the seat as I puked.

I gasped for air, and after a few minutes of recollecting myself, I went towards the sink to wash up my face. I looked up towards the mirror and I looked at myself.

1950 // harry styles auWhere stories live. Discover now