Chapter 3

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I'm not sure how many hours had passed, maybe days had passed even. All I know is that a girl with golden locks was taking care of me, and I was grateful.

She smelled of strawberries and vanilla, and she had a soft, gentle touch. She reminded me of a flower.

Once in awhile, she would feed me soup, and make me drink tea. She would sing while doing all of it, and she had a voice of an angel.

Finally after who knows how long, I awake to feel much better.

She wasn't around, so I stood up. I immediately regret all my life decisions as a wave of disgust hits me.

I rapidly lay back down. I'm too drained for this.

Who is she? Who is this stranger in my house? I should be petrified, possibly even calling the police.

For some reason, I'm okay with this somewhat intriguing stranger in my home.

My bedroom door rasps open and I see the same girl stride through with a tray.

She looks up at me and her face illuminates, "Finally, you're awake! I've been waiting ages for you to stop sleeping, almost fell asleep myself." She chuckles like she's remembering a memory.

"How long have I been asleep?" I assume a couple hours, maybe?

She shrugs,"Oh, let me think." She scratches her temple and says,"About a week."

She must be kidding. I can tell she isn't, she doesn't seem decieving.

I peer at her face. She's pretty, really pretty in fact. She has blue eyes, similar to crystals. They remind me of the ocean I used to swim in when I was a child.

"How did you get in here?" I ask her. She looks scared now. She narrows her eyes and looks to the ground. I feel like I don't want to know.

"I'm your neighbor, I live across the street. I heard some screaming so I came rushing in and saw you laying on the floor passed out. Hope it doesn't seem weird." She laughs.

I smile at her and decide to introduce myself,"I'm Harry, Harry Styles."

I reach out my hand to her and she shakes it. Her hand is freezing. Like actually freezing cold.

She notices I'm a bit uncomfortable and says,"Sorry, I know I have cold hands, everyone always has to remind me."

"Guess I won't remind you then?" I remark biting the inside of my cheek while grinning. She is a bit odd but who isn't?

"Well, I have to go now, since you're clearly fine." She says while grabbing her shoes and leaving my bedroom.

"Wait up!" I yell at her while I try to get up from my bed. A sharp pain is felt throughout my back and I moan in pain.

"I'm sorry, my time is up!" She yells up at me from what I'm assuming is the stairs.

"What?" I scream back, but it's too late.

The front door slams shut.

"Tell me, son, do you love New Hampshire as much as you said you would? Are you already missing me?" My mum blabbers in on the phone.

It's been days since I last saw the strange girl and I wish I could see her again. She said she lived in the house in the front, but there is no house in the front. So I've just been catching up with my mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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