Chapter 2

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That night I had a struggle sleeping for the first time in my 19 years of life. I continued changing positions in my bed for over an hour until I decided sleep was just for the weak.

I decided to watch some tv.

When I first bought the house earlier today, there wasn't any tv's so I called in people to install wifi and my tv.

I flipped through the channels hoping I can watch some Friends, but the words of that man continued ringing through my head.

"She could be listening."

After the man left in such a hurry, I decided he was just joking around, pulling a stupid little prank. Somehow, though, it didn't feel like a prank.

The rest of the day I had an uneasy feeling of someone watching me but every time I turned around there was no one there.

I had continued hearing noises the rest of the day, and every time I walked by the girl's room I felt a sense of coldness rush through my body.

It was an unnerving feeling, but I continued pretending everything was okay, even if it wasn't.

When mum called me and asked how America was, I told her it was astonishing, leaving out the strange conversation with the man and the sense of presences in the house. I didn't want to agonize her, she already had enough stress.

Finally, at around 4 am, I fell into a dark slumber of unsettling thoughts.

I awoke to the sun shining in my eyes, and I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around my room and I smiled at how pretty it was with sunlight bathing in on it.

I got out of bed and put on my slippers heading downstairs to get something to eat.

In the kitchen, I make myself some cereal from the groceries I got yesterday. As I sit down, eating my cereal, I decide to start working on the house a bit.

First, I was going to clean up the dust and mold, and wash the floors. Then, I was going to repaint all the walls, and repair the wooden stairs in the front. Maybe I would redecorate, but the old fashioned furniture was starting to be enjoyable.

Made me reminisce of back home.

I had to head into town to buy some cleaning supplies and paint for the walls. I hurriedly took a shower, got changed, and headed out the door.

New Hampshire was gorgeous, but it wasn't England. I grew up in London with my mum.

Once I parked my car in front of the supermarket, I headed inside.

I scanned through all the shelves trying to find what I needed for the house. I got everything I needed and I went to the cashier.

The cashier girl looked like she was my age, and she had black curly hair. Her brown eyes inspected everything I got and she muttered,"Clean freak much?"

"Excuse me?" I say quiet offended. I like cleaning, always have.

She looked back at me and her cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"Sorry, you weren't supposed to hear that." She said half choking from humiliation.

I snickered and introduced myself,"I'm Harry Styles, I moved into that mansion with the big white pillars." I extended my hand and she shook it.

"Oh, so you're the idiot that decided to move into the murder house?" She said nonchalantly while scanning my stuff.

I nodded my head, and asked,"Why does everyone call it a murder house? I mean, yeah, it's hideous from the outside, and a bit spooky looking. It's nice though."

1950 // harry styles auWhere stories live. Discover now