(1) Mrs Strawberry

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Artemus's PoV.

"That's it I've had it. Get out of my classroom and go to the principals office.
Then detention with me for the next week!" My English teacher screams with frustration. God I really wish I could slit her rogue throat but there are twenty-seven witnesses that I would have to deal with.

"Now, Miss Black! Or it will be for two weeks!"  Mrs Paraliam interrupts my thoughts.

"Calm your tits you might burst a vain." I say with a smirk and put my feet up on my brothers legs not making any effort to get up. My brother smirks to himself while the rest of the class laughs at my statement.

"Do you have something to say about your sisters behaviour, Mr. Black?" She inquires to my brother.

"Nope, " Apollo says dryly. "She is always gets herself into trouble," he then looks at me and smirks. "And then she always somehow drags me into it." He finishes. I smirk back at him. He knows me so well.
I look back up to Mrs Peterson with the smirk still on my face.

She definitely didn't like that.

Her face almost turned to the colour of a strawberry. Haha, her head actually looks like a strawberry too.
I open my mouth to say so but my twin pinches my calf, stopping me. He knows what I'm thinking.
It's part of his powers. He is part witch but he isn't able to cast spells like I can. But he can read my mind with ease because we are so close. Other people take time to be able to read every thought.

"Do you have something to say Miss Black?" Mrs Peterson asks with her strawberry head. It looks like it's about to explode.
I wish it would so that I don't have to sit here with her trying to teach this stupid class.

"No Mrs Strawberry, I have nothing to say at all." I smirk at her.
That's when the class looses their shit. Calls erupt, congratulations and the typical 'ooooh' that humans normally do when someone gets roasted. Most of them are just now realising that her head looks like a strawberry.

The teacher, trying to control said class, continues going more red than before. If we hadn't been taught to keep our emotions in check then I would be in a fit laughter on the floor with my brother right along side me.

As apart of our twin witch powers, I can read Apollo's emotions and he can read my thoughts. I drew the short straw of you ask me.

"Nobody asked you Artemus" Apollo mumbles my name. He mumbled because in this school my name is Athena. Yes our names are greek gods. Athena is my middle name so I respond to it easily on jobs like this. Even sitting close to Apollo, it is hard to hear what he mumbled but thanks to my vampiric and wolf sides working together, I can hear him.

"MR AND MISS BLACK TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE THIS INSTANCE. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED BACK INTO MY CLASSROOM WITH THIS DISRESPECTFUL ATTITUDE!" Miss Strawberry screams. Just a little more and she would burst, with her strawberry head going all over the room. Dam it now I'm hungry.

Both of us get up in sync and have the exact same face, smirking wickedly.
A flash of fear passes through the teachers eyes but it was so fast the untrained eye wouldn't have been able to see it. Apollo and I walk out of the classroom. Bags over the same shoulder and footsteps in sync.

"Told you. You always get me into trouble" Apollo grins with the fact that he was right. Again.

"Yeah yeah get over it," flicking my hand in a 'go away' motion. Not caring at the fact that we just got kicked out. Again. "Life is fun with me around and you know it" I answer with a grin of my own.

"True, but I wouldn't have to be walking to the principles office everyday. Just to be sent back to class because you intimidate the poor human." Apollo keeps walking to the principles office. The stupid idiot is grinning his idiotic face off.

"Am not. My face is perfectly fine the way it is." Dam it. He's reading my thoughts again.

"Yes, you are" I retort childishly

"Na ah" he fires back at me in the same childish tone. At the same time he pokes me so fast that a human wouldn't have been able to see it. I squeal and jump away from him as fast as I could. Just so everyone is aware. I am extremely ticklish. Not even kidding. One of the mighty Satan Assassin Twins, is ticklish. Don't judge me.

Once we got to the end of the hall we turned right towards the principles office, someone bumps into me to which they fall over, spilling books and papers everywhere meanwhile I stay standing, perfectly still. Ready and glaring at the idiot that run into me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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