She Who Flies - Three

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In the early years of her life her innocents still weighed heavily on her mind. Though spring break with her best friend Brittney shattered that within a short week. Its astonishing how years of sheltering and walking on egg shells was changed so quickly in time. 

Egg shells were something stepped on and left behind for her now. The girl she was had vanished with her first smoke, skinny dipping with two girls and guy she hardly knew, and one particular overlooked girl she never forgot. 

Within a day she had met the actual definition of whore in an sixteen year old body named Rose, and her less then interesting sister Brooke. She thought so highly of Rose for the reason she had never met anybody like her in her life. She was outgoing, interesting, and the total opposite of herself. That night she smoked for the first and saw somebody actually puke because they couldn't take anymore of what their buddy had slipped into his cup. She didn't understand practical jokes like that, she couldn't comprehend why it was so funny to see somebody you liked enough to call your friend in embarrassment and pain. 

She found herself sitting in the corner outside the bathhouse by a girl named Shy. The name was almost the person it's self, Rose and Brooke had told her stories of their adopted sister Shy, saying that she watched them as they changed and how she tried to run and away and worse tried to take her own life. The day before she would have laughed at their jokes but now all she can do is stare at this empty container that's called a body and think about how many times a bucket had to dip into it to make it so shallow in there. 

Shy talked of her mother who couldn't hang around because she was more in love with Heroin then she was with the being she so carelessly created. Shy spoke of the father she didn't know and how she thought maybe he wondered about her too, but then her wonder would fade when she thought about how he didn't even know she existed. Her wrists were covered with the texture of a blade and her mind was flooded with suds. She didn't know how Shy's sisters could hate her so much and be so cruel all at once, she watched letting her eyes focus in and out on Rose and her guy friends as they watched her throw herself around the light post while she puffed on the half lit cancer stick she held between her teeth. 

She didn't talk to Shy very much after that but she was always there, walking behind them like some kind of shadow. She couldn't help but think that Shy was more a ghost of a person rather than a person herself, blending in and going with the flow of the blood and tear shed river on her way to meeting the inside of her coffin, meanwhile she was getting undressed with two girls she had only met hours before and a guy she was just introduced to. She skinny dipped off a small cliff into the cold water that muffled her ears with bubbles but it turns out silence is louder than screams. 

In the darkness of the camper of which they stayed her sleep seemed like it would never come. Her mind wouldn't rest and her thoughts were like a hammer banging on the walls so she, Brittney, and Brittney's brother's best friend Shane took a walk to the playground where they made their first inside joke "sugar man." She thought that Shane was the funniest person she had ever met, he reminded her of her uncle who had passed so many years before. As she sat on the bridge that connected the two parts of the playground and odd human being over heard a conversation and invited himself to join in with his stories of how he use to have six sodas a day which leg to his diabetics. 

While they held their laughter he circled the area in his M&M jacket attempting to explain why it was a crime to enjoy skittles, however this was less then impressing to her but had filled her stomach with giggles that she couldn't keep contained. They left before he could get offended and accompanied each other at the beach drawing in the sand a world of imagination made of grains that were once rock weathered away by the ocean currents and drug here to this specific spot, and she couldn't help to think that coincidences were just lies for the fear that everything happens for a reason and she knew she was there with those people, at that time, in that place, in that particular moment for a reason. 

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