Imagine 13: Longtime Friend (Request)

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Name: Katherine
Katherine's Age: mid-20s
David's Age: mid-20s

Katherine's POV:

I picked up my phone as it dinged and smiled at the text. It was sent from David, a very good friend of mine since almost before I could remember and the guy I currently really liked. I didn't know if he liked me back though so I was keeping quiet.

D: Hey, Kathrine, want to hang out? My evening is free.

I smiled and texted back,

K: Sure. I'd love to! Where?

D: How about the park? The usual spot?

K: Sure. See you in about thirty minutes?

D: I'll be there.

I closed my phone and stuck it into my pocket as I went to my bedroom to change into something nicer than the normal house clothes I wore when lounging around the house.

Subconsciously, I dressed in some of my nicest things and hopped into my car. Then I proceeded to drive the park that David and I usually go to.

It is our usual custom for us to meet up at the park, take a leisurely walk, go to dinner and then we go our separate ways; him to his home and me to mine.

I parked the car and walked towards the bench where we usually met. He was already there, looking just as handsome as ever in his leather jacket and swirled haircut. I smiled and waved to him as I approached. He stood up and grinned back at me.

"Good evening, Katherine." He said as we sat down together.

"Good evening, David." I replied as I looked at him, noticing how the street lamps reflexed nicely off his face.

"Have a good day at work?" I asked. He nodded and leaned back.

"Yep. I'm working on a new song but I don't know how it's going to be received." I smiled brightly and nudged him.

"You've been a very successful song writer so far. I'm sure your new song will be very popular. I have no doubt that you will become a living legend one of these days." I said as I smiled and gave him a quick hug.

"And, you'll be right there with me?" He asked as he turned to look at him, an unnamed emotion filling his eyes. I struggled to hold his gaze and ended up failing.

"Of course. What are friends for?" I asked as I looked away, unable to look into his blue eyes any longer.

"I don't mean as friends." He said as he turned my face to look at him. I swallowed once and we just stared at each other. "I mean, I..." He trailed off but didn't break our locked gazes.

"David." I whispered softly. He smiled and said,

"I like you, Katherine. I like you a lot. I've liked you for a long time but wasn't sure if you liked me back." I was about to cry for happiness and hugged him immediately.

"I do like you! I like you very much!" I said as he hugged me back, crushing me against his skinny frame. A moment later we pulled apart, only to reconnect. This time with a kiss.

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