#10: A little thing called Jealousy

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DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN HETALIA OR ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN YOU EITHER. May or may not cause heart attacks. You have been warned.

Francois Bonnefoy

As you waited for Francois at your favorite café, a guy around your age approached you. "Hi, there. I'm Berry and I was hoping to get your number... Can I?" He smirked, making you blush since he was invading your personal bubble.

"Wha-what?! I-I al---"

"Sorry I'm late, ma cherie. This is guy is bothering you, non?" Francois came, cracking his knuckles. "This. Is YOUR guy? I'm sure you can do better, sugarplum," This Berry guy, scoffed, causing you to glare at him.

Before you can say anything to Berry though, Francois sent a punch to his less-handsome face. This led to a fight that got the three of you kicked out of the café.

Francois hissed as you dabbed the cotton ball on his wound. "You didn't have to punch him you know," you said, focusing on treating his minor injuries. "Well, he--*hiss* didn't have to--*wince* Ahhh!!! Pour l'amour de Dieu!!! Be careful!!!" He bellowed, wincing as you accidentally applied more pressure on one of his cuts.

"I'm sorry, okay? Try to control your jealousy next time. Jeez," you huffed as he blushed, knowing it was true. "I wasn't jealous," he denied, making you laugh. You gently kissed his forehead.

"Yeah right"

Allen Jones

You were walking through the park with your cousin, Diego (Let's just pretend you do have a cousin called Diego, Y/N). He just came back from one of his many travels and visited you. Allen was already gone to do some 'business' when you woke up this morning, so you didn't get to tell him. Unfortunately for you and Diego, AL saw you two laughing and joking around.

It fired a darkER side in him, and so he marched towards the two of you and punched Diego in the face. "Hands off, f***nut. She's mine," Al growled, pulling you close but you pulled away and ran to your poor cousin.

"Diego?! Are you alright? I'm so sorry, he isn't always a jerkface, I swear," you apologized on the behalf of your boyfriend (who was slightly scary at the moment). "Allen! Why the hell did you do that?!" You bellowed, glaring at Allen like a mother.

"He was f****** all over you!!!"

"He wasn't you idiot!!! He's my COUSIN!!!"

"Oh s***. I'm so sorry, dude," he rambled, helping Diego up. "It's alright. Now I know that you can protect her," your cousin winced, rubbing his jaw.

Once Diego went back to his hotel and you and Allen got home, you smirked at Allen who was sheepishly looking down. "Were you jealous?" You taunted, he scoffed. "Was not," he lied, making you playfully roll your eyes.

"Let's just go to bed, you big baby,"

James Williams

You and James were at the flower field, doing your usual winter routine, watching clouds. Okay, maybe it was just James since you were busy with Kuma. He sighed, irritated, and turned to you.

A big grin danced on your face as you played with the polar bear. A small mist forms every time you breath out. Your nose and cheeks were red from the cold.

As much as he likes to see you happy, he wanted to be the reason of that beautiful smile of yours and not Kuma. And to do so, he threw a snowball at the said bear, who growled at him (very clever, James. How come I didn't think of that? -_-). You giggled and threw a snowball at his direction as well.

One thing led to another and before you knew it, both of you were out of breath from running away from each other and dodging each other's hits. You gently layed on the snow and James did the same.

You turned to him and stared with a mocking look. "Was wittle Jamie jealous of Kuma?" You cooed in a baby voice. He huffed and kissed you.

Man, the things you do to him.

Oliver Kirkland

Work assigned you to do a project with a certain guy named, Juan (IDK, It's funny OK? XD). As you suggested, both of you were now at Ollie's bakery to do the said project. There was something odd about Juan though. He kept invading your personal space and was all up in your face like he owns the place.

Oliver didn't like this, not one bit. "Juan? Uhhh... W-would you mind?" You signalled the guy to move away from you. "Oh uhh, sorry, (Y/N)," He cheekily smiled. A little while later though, he began leaning in again.

"That's it! Unless you want to get cut, I suggest you move the hell away from her, you good for nothing motherchucker!!!"

You stared in shock at Oliver who was red in anger. "Oh... Oh my... Pardon me," he excused himself and ran off. "I think... I think I should go," Juan stammered, gathering his things. "Yep!" You mused, pushing him out before entering the bakery kitchen.


You saw him mixing a cupcake batter. "Oh. Poppet, I am so sorry--" he was cut off by a kiss on the cheek. "It's alright, I was getting uncomfortable," you smiled.

Funny thing is, you never saw Juan again.

Luciano Vargas

Luciano invited you to go with him to a walk around the park. During the said walk, both of you sat on a bench and you began sketching a rough drawing of Luciano on a little notebook. But he ruined it by turning to a different angle.

"Luciano! Don't move!" You pouted, adjusting him back to the the position he was in before. Everything was fine, except for the fact that he had this big smile on his face. Just then, a guy your age came up to the both of you and tapped your shoulder.

"Hey, sweetcheeks? Do you mind drawing me?" The guy winked, making you blush. "Oh.. Uh.. O-okay," you stammered as he did a pose. Your soft hands moved across the soft paper and sketched roughly.

Luciano wasn't happy about it though, that guy was clearly trying to get some with you. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. "Here," you smiled, as he smirked.

"Luciano? Can we go home now? I'm hungry," you pleaded to your boyfriend. "Si, amore, but I have to deal with something first," he excused himself aftergiving you a quick kiss.

Don't worry, (Y/N). He just has to make sure that guy doesn't bother you again. I'm sure he'll be back soon.

Author's Note:

Real talk. How many of you thought I was on drugs? Cuz I swear I just took eleventeen fangirl pills today. Whew.

Anyways, love you lots xx

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