53: SILAKBO | Just Like That

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Silakbo | II
Just Like That

November 27, 2018
San Francisco, USA
7:4 2 PM | 31 minutes ago

In a vast and vacant parking lot quite a few minutes away from the Apollo Community Hospital, a bulky and round man stood before the American ruffian he had sent for. Joseph Oglesby, most known for his much sinister alias Big Joe, stands back with a smirk of amusement and pride.

Allen Jones had so much potential to him. This young man had always been his favourite ever since they met at an underground boxing tournament. Allen was one of his best boys in the field and he worked with his son in heist and other such activities. The youngster was quick on his feet and handy with a bat. He followed orders well and exceeded other underlings his age. He was like a son.

Such a shame it was when he ratted them out to the authorities.

The fateful day that happened, Big Joe lost his eldest son to the police that busted through the headquarters. A lot of them were slain in the fight. A lot of them were taken and arrested. Allen was unharmed and he disappeared soon after. It took the group quite some years to recover from the events of those days. They were still in the process of gaining the same level of power they once had, but Big Joe caught sight of Allen while he was in Los Angeles for a deal.

Allen was with a girl at that time and he had punched a man in the middle of a park. Big Joe would've laughed and cheered Allen on, but all he saw was red at that red-haired, hot-headed, sailor-mouthed brat. This happening had been fortuitous, but Joseph will not throw away his shot.

The espionage on Allen had begun. They had found out that he was quite smitten with this young woman named (Y/N) (L/N). And so, she was dragged with all of this as well. A lot of things happened since then, but now, it gave him such satisfaction to see Allen be willing to put himself on the line.

Allen was shaking with fury before him, but he knew that the youngster wouldn't do anything brash. No, not when he could definitely end (Y/N)'s life. It was amusing, really it was. This man, who had been so ruthless and cruel to the innocent, was holding himself back for an innocent. Times do change, Big Joe thought to himself.

"So, Joseph," Allen coughed, "Why did you call me here?"

The old man almost laughed at Allen's audacity to ask such an idiotic question. "You know why, son," Big Joe sneers the last word that had so many meanings to him. The tension of the atmosphere rises fiercely. Both men glared at each other.

"What exactly do you want me to do, pops? Kiss your ass and apologize?" Allen's mouth ran quickly with sass. Ah, but this attitude of his was something that Big Joe was used to. It amused him before, but now, not so much.

Joseph took long strides towards who used to be one of his most skilled minions. Easily, he towered over Allen, but Allen didn't give a shit about it at all. "What I want is for you to stay still while my gun buries a bullet to your chest, like those police did to my son," Big Joe said his words firmly with no trace of emotion on his face. There was a faint sense of grieving in those words though. Everyone could feel it, but no one will ever day say a word. "Swear to God though, I won't touch your lady," Joseph added, but the foxy smirk and the menacing glint in his eyes told otherwise.

"Shut your trap," Allen hissed, "You don't even believe in God."

This time, Big Joe let out a loud laugh. "Come on, son," He mused, "Don't you trust me?"

"No, of course not," Allen answered instantly without any doubt.

Big Joe smirked at this once again, his entertained mirth ringing through the air. "Smart choice, son."

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