55: May 21, 2019

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MAY 21, 2019

For those who waited for the happy ending


A woman of wealth staggers through the shards of broken chandeliers. The fabric of her Versace tore at the hemline from all the running. Before her was death in the form of a man she sought to bring down.

"Francois, don't do this," she begged, "I have a child! Please, have mercy!"

The tears that slid down her cheeks were flowing endlessly. She looked like a mess. For a second there, Francois almost felt pity—almost.

"A child?" he muses, "The same child you gave away to an orphanage without a thought?"

The woman's sobbing froze after those words. Francois chuckles at this.

"Yes, Diana, I know all of your dirty deeds." The Frenchman sauntered closer and closer. "Perhaps that's why you chose to attack me just a few days after Anton did. You and Robert had the same plan, didn't you? To make sure I stay down after it all. I honestly don't appreciate the gesture, mon ami."

A cold and murderous gaze became evident as Diana drops the crocodile tears. Her hands gripped a shard of glass, as she charged towards the Frenchman. "Then stay down!" she growled, but the gunshots that sounded three times put her battle cry to an end.


The name Diana Wallace was crossed out of the list he had been calculatedly staring at for what seems like hours now. The eyes that glossed from strain haven't been met with sleep for three days now. He rubs them as a yawn stubbornly tried to escape his chapped lips. Nevertheless, he continues his deeds.

Who's next?

This was the question Francois deeply pondered over. On such a fine Tuesday, he had murder in his mind.

The directory of names before him held the people who had a hand in his downfall. There were only ever four people that either helped Anton or had the same intent of betraying Bonnefoy, and for the past week, he was able to take down two and their forces already. Jax Lawrence and were already taken care of. It was between Robert Hayden and Emile Langdon now.

He had to be strategic with his actions. After all, he was a lone man on this mission. The empire that he intricately built for years crumbled before him, but Francois didn't give a damn about the guns and coins he lost. They were nothing compared to the people that Death took from him because of the treachery his enemies had done.

Francois Bonnefoy has nothing now, which was exactly why he made it his sole duty to avenge everyone who meant everything to him. What happens after that, however, was a future he had no intentions of preparing for. Let Fate do whatever it wants with him. He couldn't care any less.

Just as he intended to look back at the paper in his hands, a knock came from the worn wooden door of his small new home. Francois hardly paid it attention, but the knock persisted.

He glanced at the clock. The digits told him eight o'clock. At such an early hour, who could it be?

"Francois! Francois!" the yelling from the other side of the door begun as the knocks grew in anticipation.

Francis, his mind answered in disdain.

He made his way down towards the door, grumbling to himself. "Francis, you imbecile," he jeered, "I thought I told you not to come here?!"

He swung the door open in anger, but he was struck by shock.

At this, Francis, with a hopeful gleam, beams at his brooding counterpart. "I know, but I'd like to think this is a good reason, non?"

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