Author's Final Note

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I can now officially annouce this as a completed series. I'm so sorry that it took me a fucking y e a r to give this to y'all. I'm not gonna give any more excuses, except for the statement that I'm a catastrophe and my life isn't making it better lmao. I also wanted to make sure that the next time I updated this would my last update and some of you agreed to it too! So, I slaved for this!

As you're reading this, I'm most likely going through the story and editing the stupid shit I did, including the infamous James vs Matt feud of the early chapters (as promised SSKSKKSKS).

Anyways, yes, it has come to this. It's not the most grandiose, but I am, more or less, satisfied with it. You guys can conclude the story with whatever you choose. If you want (Y/N) to stay dead, then go and bury her six feet under lmao. If you want the happy ending then wallow in more drama and fluff uwu 🤧👌💕

For those who wonder why I chose to make the 2P mortal, I wanted them to have their calm after the storm.

To me, both 1Ps and 2Ps go through rough roads, but I figured that the catastrophe that's been made and can be made by these beings (the 2Ps) is a good reason to let them rest after centuries of suffering and loss. I, too, am torn at the thought of the 1Ps having to shoulder everything after the event, but I just felt it was right, y'know? (Also, 'cause this is entitled 2P! Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios after all—of course, they'd get a hint of favor)

It's the sort of the classic "we deserve a soft epilogue, my love," and if y'all still don't like the way things ended, then go and imagine something else in your head. 💗😤👌

For those of you who wonder why I went through lengths to have this series a plotline, I wanted to write something different from those I've read so far online. I read several comments asking what happened to the "real scenarios", and I guess some of you weren't fond of the connections and whatnot. It's just that I wanted the fluff with all the angst and drama between. I wanted the ending to this journey to have more meaning. I wanted a story story. (Y'all know what I'm saying? Am I making points? probs not lmao)

Did I unnecessarily made things so dramatic for this to happen? Yes. Yes, I did.

Did I enjoy torturing you all? Ye—No. No, I didn't. 👼

I'd like to thank everyone for their support and patience—especially the patience. Nearly four years ago, I published this piece of trash out of boredom. I never expected it to receive such praise and love, because let's be honest, my first scenarios were c r a p. With all the breaks I took in the duration of this journey, I also never expected that people would still want to read my things. I'm so emotional rn 🤧💞

The journey of (Y/N) (L/N) has ended here.

My Wattpad phase is over, and this is really ever the only reason I got back here. It was an embarrassing feat, but I was flattered to see so many readers waiting for this. I hope I didn't disappoint you all! The other series I've promised is still tentative but let's see what the future holds kskwksks (I'm sorry for being a useless potato).

For the umpteenth time, thank you to all of you, my dearest readers.

Hiraya Manawari & Padayon to each and every one of you!

Lots of love,
Milady Mira

2p!Hetalia Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now