Old daddy

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Shawn:she nods her head"but u still did it"I say and she nods"come here"I say while sitting down.

Lexie:"n-no"I say with tears in my eyes

Shawn:"Lexie why are u behaving like this?"I ask and she shrugs"well I need to know to help u"I say

Lexie:"I don't know"I sniffle

Shawn:"but u knew better than to do that"I say and she puts her head down"come here"I say and she shakes her head"Lexie I can't help unless u tell me now u can either tell me or come here cuz u know what u did was wrong and dangerous"I say softly.

Lexie:"I just got scared for a second"I sniffle

Shawn:"scared about what?"I ask

Lexie:"I really don't know just the thought of my old daddy"I sniffle

Shawn:"baby come here"I say holding out my arms and she shakes her head once again."baby it's okay I'm not gonna spank u come here"I say and she walks over to me sitting in my lap."I know what he did to u was scary and wrong but I'm never gonna hurt u"I say but she doesn't say anything I sigh and hold her"what's on ur mind?"I ask

Lexie:I shrug"I don't know"I say

Shawn:"ur not acting urself"I say

Lexie:"how do I act?"I ask

Shawn:"ur usually cheerful and happy and when ur about to get punished u don't act this sad"I say and she shrugs I sigh"alright go to the table ur writing lines for running like that"I say and she nods going to the table I give her a pencil and write down what she's supposed to write then she starts writing then I make her a snack.

Lexie:"done"I say

Shawn:"okay, here"I say giving her her snack and she eats it then I clean up we get off the bus cuz u have to go to my concert we walk in and I hold her hand we get to my dressing room she sits down and grabs her note book starting to draw in it I get dressed.

Manager:"Mendes 3 minutes"I say

Shawn:"okay!"I say and walk her to the end of the stage"stay right here baby"I say and she nods sitting on the chair and starts drawing I go out and start singing then the last song comes on which is the weight I look at Lexie cuz it's her favorite song and I start singing it she smiles and mouths the words as she draws I smile and finish the song then go backstage I walk over to Lexie and she looks scared she runs over to me I pick her up"what's wrong?"I ask holding her to me.

Lexie:"can we go back to the bus like now?"I ask about to cry

Shawn:"yeah baby"I say and we go to the bus once we are in their she starts crying"what baby what's wrong?"I ask trying to get her to calm down.

Lexie:"I saw my old daddy"I sob

Shawn:"okay baby it's okay calm down"I say rubbing her back then call my manager.

(Phone convo)
Manager:"hello?"I answer
Shawn:"I need u to keep a guy out of the concerts"I say
Manager:"can u be more Pacific?"I ask and he tells me the name"oh yeah um he isn't here no more he's on ur way to ur bus"I say
Shawn:"why?"I exclaim and lock all the doors and windows.
Manager:"I don't know I just see him walking their"I say
Shawn:"get security after him"I say
Manager:"okay"I say then hang up.
(End of convo)

Shawn:I pull her from the door and look out the window and he walks away.

Lexie:"who is it daddy?"I ask

Shawn:"I'm not sure"I say and she nods laying on the couch I start dinner.

Lexie:I go to the bedroom which has allot of bunks in it I start to play with my toys until I smell something awful I turn around and it's my old daddy holding a cigarette smirking down at me I was about to scream until he cover my mouth with his filthy hand he picks me up hoping out of the window

Shawn:I call her for dinner but. When she doesn't come I walk back into the room she's not their then I hear people yelling and someone screaming and crying I look outside and my manager is holding a sobbing Lexie and security is taking her old dad down I rush over to her and hold her.

Manager:"she has a few burns."I say he looks at the guy hands me Lexie walks over to him and punches him twice then takes Lexie back to the bus.

Lexie:"it hurts"I sob

Shawn:"I'm so sorry baby girl"I say rubbing her back getting the first aid kit.

Lexie:"no no clean"I sob

Shawn:"baby I need to"I say

Lexie:"nooooo daddy"I sob

Shawn:"baby I have to it'll be real quick"I say

Lexie:"no"I sob and lay the side of my head on his chest holding my arms.

Shawn:"if I don't clean it it'll get infected and hurt more"I say and she keeps on crying  I set her on the counter and stand in front of her where she can't get down.

Lexie:"N-NO!"I scream and sob looking at the cleaning stuff he's getting.

Shawn:"baby look at me"I say and she keeps on crying looking at the cleaning stuff. I move her face to look at me"baby it's okay it's gonna sting for a little bit but then it'll get better and me and u can have a movie night"I say and she shakes her head still crying."just look at me baby"I say starting to clean it and she screams and cries I get it done then put some cream on it pick her up and hold her.

Lexie:"I-I l-love u d-daddy"I sniffle

Shawn:"I love u to baby girl"I say

Lexie:"I'm hungry"I say

Shawn:"what do u want to eat?"I ask

Lexie:"pizza"I say and he nods calling the place once it comes he pays for it then I eat at the table then I Finnish eating

Shawn:I Finnish eating."come on baby"I say getting the movies ready and she nods laying on the couch I put on her favorite movie on then after its do e she falls asleep I take her to the bunks 3 hours later I hear her scream I shoot up out of bed and see smoke and curse I pick her up taking her away from the bus far as possible then I see her dad hop off the bus and point a gun at us I hover over Lexie and hear 2 gun shots I turn around and see him dead on the ground my manager shot him. I hold Lexie.

Lexie:"i-I wanna go h-home"I sob

Shawn:"okay baby"I say

Lexie:"right now"I sob he nods talking to his manager and he said it's good and we go home I go up to my room and daddy lays with me"is he coming back?"I ask

Shawn:"no baby"I say and she nods falling asleep I do the same

Shawn Mendeses daughter spanking storyWhere stories live. Discover now