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I woke up earlier than normal to Harry's screaming, I'm assuming at mum. I got out of bed, got dressed, curled my hair and put on a little bit of makeup and walked downstairs. I looked around the corner to the kitchen and saw mum and Harry standing there. I walked in the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. I looked at Harry and started laughing.

"Harry, you ever heard of clothes? You're supposed to put them on of a morning when you get out of bed." I said laughing

"Yeah, I've heard of them before. I choose not to get dressed the moment I got up this morning." he said

"Okay whatever you say. No wonder you can't get a girlfriend." I said walking out of the kitchen

"I'll get one sooner or later!" Harry yelled back at me

"Then get dressed, shave and get a haircut." Mum said laughing at him

I went back upstairs, grabbed my purse and shoes and ran back down the stairs to eat breakfast before I have to leave to tour the college campus. I was sitting there and I heard someone knock on the door so I ran to answer it.

"Who is it?" I asked walking to the door.

"Let me inside please May. Mum locked me outside. Open the door!" I heard Harry say

"I might have been born at night but it wasn't last night Harry." I said walking back away from the door to the kitchen

I walked back in the kitchen and sat down. Mum brought me a plate of French Toast and bacon. I started eating and I heard Harry start beating on the back door. I continued to eat and acted like I didn't hear anything. He continued beating on the door and then everything got really quiet. I looked up at mum and she shrugged. I heard someone come running down the stairs and I looked up and found Louis.

"Why on earth is your brother staring through the window at me while I was trying to sleep? It's freaky when your best friend is spying on you while you are sleeping." said Louis

"Ask my mum." I said quietly

"Sorry he wouldn't put clothes on so I locked him outside don't let him in." Mum said putting a plate down for Louis.

"WOULD YOU GUYS LET ME IN!" Harry yelled

"Ask mum why don't ya Harry, she might!" Louis yelled

"Mum can i please come in I promise to move out and get clothes on." harry said in a little kid voice.

"Yes, go to the roof of the house first." she said laughing

"What did you do?" Louis asked

"Niall is on top of the house and is going to scare him for me." she said in a hushed voice

"Fine." Harry said walking away from the door.

I sat there and waited with mum and Louis and finally heard Harry start screaming. I looked at mum and Louis and we all started laughing

"Found him." Louis said laughing

"I hope Niall got a pic of his face." mum said laughing

I finished eating and went back up to my room to check on some last minute scheduling things and looked out my window and saw Harry's face against it. I jumped back screamed and fell backwards over my high heel shoes. I got up and opened up my window and looked at Harry.

"Why would you do that to me?" I asked in a mad voice

"Cause Niall scared me gotta pass it on." Harry said

"YOu did the same thing to Lou"

"Nope that is your job, come on hurry up i have to take you to your college mum told me to."

"I'm ready to go. Get off of the house and go to the front or back door. I'll have mum unlock it and let you in so i'm not late to my college tour."


I ran halfway down the stairs and asked mum to let Harry in so I won't be late to my college tour. She unlocked the door and let Harry in and I ran back up to my room to grab my papers for college. I ran back down the stairs and pushed Harry to the front door so I wouldn't be late. Harry got inside and got dressed, soon we were in the car on our way to the college. I was so happy I couldn't calm down, but yet i was nervous.

"Sis we're here."

We got out and I looked around and found signed that said 'tour this way.' I looked at the yard and there was a huge pair of scissors. Me and Harry walked the way the sign told us too. We finally got here and soon the tour started.

"Sis are you sure you want to go to school here?" Harry asked me.


"Well they just look like a whole bunch of snobs."

I rolled my eyes and just kept walking and listening to the guy. I love it and I am going to love it here. 

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