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I woke up to my annoying alarm clock, I got out of bed and went to my closet. I grabbed leggings, a black sweater that said cool kids, I got on brown socks that went to my thighs and then i got brown boots that go up to my kneen.



I went to the bathroom and I did my makeup, then I straightened my hair, then I got on a bennie. I ran down stairs and got into the car with Heather.

"Why didn't you tell me that it was raining?"

"Sorry forgot to text you."

"Ug, I just want this day over with."

"Oh hush up only 4 more weeks left, I still can't believe that you get to go to london!"

"Yeah I just hope i can find a job there."

We got to school and I went to my locker, Heather went to hers and soon Jim showed up.

"Hey want about finding a job."

"I don't know I will have to find one, maybe just be a waitress again."

"What are you going to school for?" Ray chirped up.

"Therapist you should know this." I said laughing a bit. I grabbed my Algebra 2 book and started to walk with Ray and

Marley. We took our seats while the bell rang. We took our seats and he started to teach.


It was lunch and we were talking about me going to london.

"I don't think that is going to happen."

"You never know, London is big, or you can just go to his hometown and find his mother's place and stalk them."

"I'm not going to stalk anyone and i will be to busy dealing with my studies, and testing and other things to even think about dating anyone or meeting One Direction"

"But you need fun don't you." Ray said

"Yeah I do but I don't think that my mom would like it if I got thrown in jail cause i was stalking someone's family."

"She does have a point." Jim said eating.

"I just can't get over that you are going to London. All your hopes and dreams are coming true!" Heather yelled a little bit. I laughed and then Carley walked up to us. She is the bitch of the school.

"What are you guys doing?" Carley said with a smartass remark

"This is a shovel rake conversation we don't need a hoe." I said looking at her.

"You know what little miss priss, you can shut your mouth." she added angrily

"I don't shut up I grow and when I look at you I throw up."

"Oh burn." said Heather laughing

"Damn Ella don't give 2 fucks."

"shhh...that's the sounds of nobody caring." I said again looking up at Carley.

"Glad you know the difference about someone caring and someone not caring." said Carley

"Look just because your life is a joke doesn't make you funny."

"I think your life is a joke, Ella." she said walking away.


"Damn Ella." Ray said looking at me.

"Her life not yours Ray." Heather said

"What all I said was Damn didn't know that was bad."

"It's fine Heather I think that it's funny." I said looking at her.

"Okay, whatever you say." Heather added

"Heather are you mad that I am leaving you?" I asked her.

"Not mad just kinda upset. My best friend is leaving." she said

"You know that this is my dream college you know that. I'm sorry that i am leaving you my wifey." I said with a sweet and innocent smile.

"Did Hallmark get more shipments in?" asked Carley walking back towards us

"Yeah I think that the got more mirrors so you can see your ugly face."

"Maybe you should buy one Carley, they are half price." said Heather

"Yeah you're lucky that mirrors don't talk, or laugh when they see your face." I said looking at Carley. I put my phone up to my ear and then pretend that I got off the phone. "Oh by the way Shrek called and he wants his face back."

"Well, Frankenstein called for you. He wants his face back also." Carley said with a smirk

"That was the most dumbass comeback at all so you know what your a bitch and you're just a fucking hoe." I said standing up.

"Whoa Ella. Cool your jets girly." said Heather also standing up

"No I'm tired of this little shit thinking that she is all that well you know what you're not the fucking queen around here."

"You're the only one here that thinks that Ella" said Carley

"NO! All of my friends know that you always act like queen fucking bee. Well you know what I am so fucking glad that I won't be seeing your face anymore you fucking slut."

"Like hell you won't! I'm not moving anywhere away from here." she said

"No but I am!"

"Yeah right. Where are you moving?" Carley asked with a snotty attitude

"London I'm going to Oxford a place for smart people unlike you." I said getting up grabbed my things and left before i punch her in the face. Then I went to art.   

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