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*Phone Call*
-"Hey Ash, it's Johann I changed my phone number sorry I didn't tell you before."
-"Ugh Johann you scared me, you know I never answer random numbers but since you kept insisting"
-"Haha I know I'm sorry"
-"So what's up, what do you want?"
-"I wanted to know if you're free tomorrow at 7pm"
-"I'm throwing a party in honor of CNCO's first concert in Miami and I wanted you to come"
-"CN- what?"
-"CNCO Ash, the winners of La Banda oh my god do I have to remind you this everyday?"
-"Ugh Johann, you know I never watched that show I'm obviously gonna forget."
-"Yea, you didn't even watch it for me, your best friend"
-"Get over it, Ive told you a million times that specifically at that time I had my tutor come and help me out with school"
-"Yea yea yea, so are you coming or not?"
-Come on Ashhh you never get out of the house, I want you to have funn. And hey, Yoyo is gonna be there too."
-"I'll think about it. Gtg I'll call you later bye"
-"Take care"
I smiled and hung up the phone. Johann always seems to be worried about me like I'm perfectly fine, but he just keeps insisting.

"Ashley honey, where are you?!" Ugh that was my aunt Liz, I've been living with her alone for like 6 months ever since my parents died in a car accident. "I'm right here, you don't have to yell."

"Sorry sweetie, I called you cause I'm leaving in like 5min and I wanted to say goodbye" even though I live with my aunt it's practically like I lived on my own. She always had to go on business trips but if she didn't do so, she wouldn't have money to maintain me.

"How long will you be out?" I ask her curiously. "3 months... I know it's a lot sweetie, but that's how my job is. I'm obviously not gonna leave you alone so you'll be staying with Johann for a while."

"Really?? That's awesome" I say although I would've preferred staying here alone but what can I do? "Yes, sorry I didn't tell you before but I'm gonna go now. Johann will come and pick you up in like an hour so have everything ready."

"Ash?" She asks in a worried tone
"What?" I say with a straight face "Will you be ok?" Why does everyone ask me if I'm ok my godd. "YES Aunt Liz, I'm gonna be perfectly fine. Now leave before you lose your flight."

"If you say so. Bye bye" she give me a tight hug "I'll be calling you when I get the chance. Take care, sweetie." "K bye"
She exits the door when I see a car arrive. It was Johann. Why is he here so early? God I hate it when people don't do that they say they'll do.

"Johann, what the hell are you doing here so early? I thought you'd be here in like an hour I'm not even readyy" I say all pissed off. "Well hello to you too. I'm great thanks for asking." He says "I got here before cause I didn't want you to be in the house alone for a whole hour so I'm gonna keep you company until you're ready to leave."

"Ugh then you should've called" I always feel so irritated by everyone I can't control that I don't know why. I love Johann, he's my best friend and he cares about me, but he gets on my nerves.

"Yea sorry, you don't have to be so mean." He says "I'm not being mean, I'm just saying that you should've called." I say on my defense "Well I didn't, sorry, get over it" he says with a tired expression.

"Gee fine. I'm gonna go pack now. Come if you want, or don't I don't really care." I say "Ashley wait." He must be serious, he never calls me by my full name so I got a little scared. "What?"

"Come sit down for a minute.. I need to ask you something." He says "Can't you ask me later? I have to pack." I say "There's no hurry. Just sit down."

I sat down since he kept insisting. "What is it? What's wrong?" I ask with a curious tone. "That's what I'd like to know, what's wrong? Ash, I'm your best friend, and ever since that horrible tragedy with you parents, you haven't been the same. I wanna help you, but I can't if you don't open up your heart."

"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine." I say like its so obvious "No you're not. I know you're not. Ash, I'm not gonna force you to tell me, but I want you to know that I'm always gonna be here for you and willing to hear you, and help you." He says. I may not act like it but that made me feel really good. I needed to hear that.

"Thanks Johann" I hug him "You're a good friend." I say "Any time, Ash. Now go pack before it gets really dark outside."

A/N: Heyy, so as you can see this is my first chapter and I'm actually pretty proud of how it turned out. Basically if you don't understand why Ashley is so arrogant (I'm not gonna spoil you i'm just gonna clear it up) is cuz her parents died in a car accident 6 months ago and all the pain she has, she keeps it inside and hates talking about it.
I hope you liked this chapter and just so you know, I'm gonna probably update on weekends cuz that's when I'm mostly free, but you never know, I might surprise you.
Thanks for reading and enjoy your stay lol

Thanks To You.. (CNCO/ LaBanda)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt