|F I F T H T E E N|

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*on the previous chapter*

"U-Um sureee. I mean.. it's been a while since I went to the park with a friend."

Ohh Ashley why do you make this harder than it already is

"A friend... o-of course hehe. Friend..... well I guess I'll.. see you on Thursday?"

"... yea sure.. see ya"  what did I just do?

I enter the house and I suddenly see Johann in the living room with his parents

"Ash! Oh my goodness you're here! I was worried sick about you!" Says Johann

"Ashley honey, you're okay oh my god, come here!" Said Johann's mom as she came and gave me a hug

"We were all very worried about you, love" said Johann's dad

Okkkkk?? It's not like I was kidnaped anyways but...

"Umm.. guys I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about, please calm down" I say

"What do you mean? We were so worried about you. You didn't pick up the phone and now we see that you twisted your ankle" says Johann's mom

"Ok ok I knowww I'm sorry. I told Johann in the morning that I would walk back home after school but I twisted my ankle going down the stairs. I tried calling Johann on a public phone but we lost the connection before I had the chance to tell him...." I say

"So... how did you get here?" Said Johann with curiosity

"Um... haha... w-well.. you see, the thing is-"

"Ash, just say it" says Johann as he interrupts me

"I'm gonna tell you oh my god, give me a break"

I admit that I'm a little nervous to tell him the truth, I don't know why, but I am. Oh and the fact that his parents are present as well, staring at me as they wait for a response didn't help either.

"Ashley honey, we don't have the whole day, sweetie." Said Johann's mom


You just can't go a day without screwing things up can't you, Ashley?

"Who's Ari?" Asked Johann in doubt

"M-my friend that I was talking to you about"

"Oh right! I totally forgot haha. That's so sweet of her awh" he said

"Oh that's so kind of her!" Said Johann's dad

"HAHA yeaa she's the best." I say in a nervous tone

I can't believe they actually bought that

"Oh.. umm.. well if you excuse me, I'm gonna go to my room" I say in a shy tone

I'm not the most social person we could say. It usually takes me quite some effort to get comfortable around people but I still get shy around Johann's parents. I guess it's more for respect we could say...

Thanks To You.. (CNCO/ LaBanda)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt