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The concert was truly amazing! I'm so so so proud of Johann, he's such a talented guy. I gathered all my stuff and went backstage where he was.

"Johann you did amazing, I'm so proud of you!!" I say as I run up to him and give him the tightest hug.

"Thank you sooo much, Ash, I had so much fun out there!"

"Bro! You were awesome!!" Says Richard as he went and gave him a hug

"Thanks man, thank you for always supporting me. I feel so happy right now, no one can take away my happiness today"

Eventually the rest of the guys came and congratulated him. I'm not really confident having them all present at the same time since I don't really know all of them well, but I'm just gonna have to deal with it.

"Hey guys, what are we still doing here? Let's get the hell out of here, there's an after party waiting for us" said Johann.

I don't know how to feel about that after party. I really just wanna go home and sleep, but I'm not gonna let Johann down.. I guess I have no choice. 
We all agreed that the after party would be at yoyo's house since the last party we had was at Johann's house, and Yoandri kept insisting.

What a crazy day! Gladly everything went really well and everyone liked the show. I'm so thankful for all the people that have been there for me since the beginning.

So we finally arrived to yoyo's house. This is it. I'm planing on telling Ashley about my feelings for her, and I'm honestly really scared for her reaction.

So we're here... Now what? I decided to go get some food since I hadn't eaten anything since this morning.

The concert was absolutely amazing. I'm so proud of Johann, we've been good friends ever since La Banda, and I hope he has a lot of success in his future.

We finally arrived to Yoandri's house. We were a little late, you can thank me for that. We stopped by our hotel because I forgot I left my phone over there.

I entered the house and I searched for the person that caught my attention ever since I saw her for the first time. Her. I looked everywhere and there were no signs of her presence. Did she not come? Did she leave before I arrived? A lot of things crossed through my mine all at once. I can't deal with curiosity, so I did the only thing I could do. Ask.

"Hey... Johann?"

"Hey bro, you made it!"

"Yeah, sorry about that, I forgot that I left my phone in the hotel and we stopped by to go get it."

"Oh that's fine, man no worries."

I honestly had no idea how to ask him without being so obvious. But I tried being as subtle as possible.

"Yeah... Um.. Oh! I forgot to mention, you did amazing at your concert, man. Congrats."

"Thanks man, I had a lot of fun, and it was nice to see you there along with the rest of the guys."

"No problem, we're here to support you like the good friends we are... So... there were a lot of people over there huh?"

"Oh my god yess. I was so impressed by the amount of people that came."

Thanks To You.. (CNCO/ LaBanda)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt