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I totally didn't believe what Chris said, but I didn't wanna start a drama on such a special day for me so I just went along with it. Is Ashley actually moving on from her dark past, and actually planing on starting something with Chris? ... I don't even wanna think about it. My heart would be torn apart...

This is all so new for me, and I don't know If I'm making the right decision on giving Chris a little bit of hope that I'll accept him in my life and actually start getting to know each other better.
All of this just makes me feel insecure.

Eventually, people started leaving the party, since it was getting pretty late. Johann said he felt obligated to stay until everyone left since the party was dedicated to him and he also wanted to help Yoandri with the cleaning.

I surprisingly got along with some of the guys. I mean they're all really nice, but it's been hard for me to actually start a conversation with people so I just talked to some of them. Richard and Zabdiel are the sweetest thing ever, not gonna lie. I think I might be starting a new phase in my life and it is all for my own good.

"Thanks for coming, mi Joelito, it means a lot." Said Johann

"Anything for you, man. I'll see you soon."

Surprisingly, CNCO were the last ones to leave the party. And I say surprisingly, since they have such a tight schedule lately with the beginning of their career.

I kindly said bye to all of the guys except the one I was looking forward to the most. Where is he? I saw that the rest of the guys started getting on the car as if they weren't missing anyone and that just got me a little just a liiittle worried that they might've forgotten Chris.

I was afraid to ask because that would've just sounded weird coming from me. So I decided to quickly go back inside with high hopes that's he'd still be there. Luckily, I was right. As soon as I opened the door I bumped into him. I swear my heart skipped not just one, but like a million beats when I saw him.

"Oh my god did I scare you? Haha"

"Y-you could say that."

"Hehe sorry, I was at the bathroom, but hey come inside I need to tell you something quick before I go."

Okkkkk? Now I just feel intimidated every time we talk. You just never know what he might surprise you with.


"You're giving me a piece of paper?"

"No you silly haha open it"

Right. How stupid of my part. I open the paper and see a phone number. He's giving me his phone number. I don't know if I should be happy or worried about this.

"Y-your phone number."

"Yeah. If you ever wanna like... talk, then you know where to call."

"Thanks" I said with a smile

"CHRIS HURRY UP!" I heard Zabdiel yell from the car.

"Wait!" He replied.

"Well, I have to go..."

"I can see hehe"

"I hope to see you soon, Ash"

He just called me Ash. Does this mean we're getting like... close?

"M-me too..."

It eventually got from both of us stuttering, to just getting awkward.

"Well... See ya" he said as he gave me a hug.

"Bye." I say with a smile.



Yesterday was pretty interesting, but today is the day I take a really big step forward in my life. I'm going back to school. I'm 17 years old which means I'm supposed to be in my last year of high school. I've been taking homeschooling for almost a year now I could say. But I think I'm strong enough to go back in there. I think I can do it.

Johann's the sweetest. He woke up earlier than me to make sure I woke up in time so he could take me there. I'm really nervous, not gonna lie. But while we were on our way there, all I could do was stare at that piece of paper....

"What's that?" Johann asks as he gave it a quick glance and continued to focus on the driving.

"Oh nothing... Just a paper"

I don't think he bought that. But he didn't say anything so I just went along with it.

So we finally arrived. Johann came here some days ago to make all the arrangements in order for me to enter the school so now I just have to go to class.

As soon as I got out of the car I saw someone. What is he doing here? I literately froze and just started shaking......

A/N: Heyy there's a little cliffhanger for y'all hehe. But the reason I am updating today is cuz today is a very special day.

Yari, if you're reading this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Ilyssssm thanx for being so fun to talk to altho you can piss me off sometimes but I still love you lmao. Have a good one ❤️❤️❤️

Also, the next chapter is gonna get a little intense and who knows, violent? Idk can't say. But thanx for reading and I'll see you in the next chap. 💕

Thanks To You.. (CNCO/ LaBanda)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt