Chapter 1

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His voice made me jump seeing as it came out of virtually nowhere. I had been positioned on the couch with a book and my favorite show on for a good three hours and I hadn't moved since I sat down. Last I had seen of Harry he was working out in his bedroom, blasting some music that I could still slightly hear even with his door shut and the telly on loudly. But I, somehow, had zoned out so completely that I didn't notice the music being turned off, Harry showering, or even notice him walking into the living room and standing almost directly in front of me in a white t-shirt and basketball shorts with sopping wet hair.

            He chuckled when I jumped and shook his head, glancing at the telly screen behind him, "Too much screen time for you huh? You get way too absorbed. You said you would read a book during commercials but I highly doubt that happened."

            I pouted, craning my neck to see around his form, "Well I read a bit in the beginning and then things on screen got intense and my favorite commercials kept coming on. Besides this book is boring Harry, I don't know why you're making me read it. I'd much rather re-read Harry Potter. But this is my favorite show and you're blocking the screen-"

            "Am I?" Harry raised an eyebrow before reaching over and flicking off the TV completely. "There now, that's much better isn't it? Into bed, come on. And I don't want to hear anymore fuss about reading Jane Eyre. It's summer holiday and you should be doing at least one thing that's going to make sure your mind doesn't turn to goop. Besides, mum made me read that book when I was your age and it's not as bad as it seems."

            I groaned, pushing the book off the couch in an attempt to protest Harry, who was not amused. It seemed what I considered a push was technically a throw and it hit the wall behind Harry's head, flopping to the ground. I wasn't really bothered about reading it; in the end I would be proud I finished it. I was just angry that he was making me read it and had turned off my favorite program ten minutes before it was over. But I knew better than to ask for those ten minutes. It would just make him bossier and possibly make him say I didn't need to watch TV at all. So instead I threw a book.

Harry bent over and picked it back up, staring at me with raised eyebrows, "You clearly need to get yourself into bed before you do something stupid and get into trouble."

"Harry it's only 10:50," I whined, leaning back into the couch. "I'm sixteen. I shouldn't have a bedtime."

"You are very grumpy and whiny tonight," Harry rolled his eyes. "You know arguing with me will get you nothing but trouble so if I were you, I would just march my bum into the bathroom and brush my teeth." I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom, jumping as he swatted me when I walked by; as much as I disagreed with him, I didn't want a fight. Harry had been this commanding our entire lives and I grew to adore it as much as I hated it.

He was bossy but very loving, protective, sweet, and nerdy so it did make up for how much he annoyed me in the end. Moving into his loft apartment with him when our parents passed away in a car crash was terrifying at first. My parents always gave me so much more freedom than Harry did while we were growing up; he was almost more of a parent then they were. Whenever I used to visit him in London he would be on my grill 24/7 whilst back home in Holmes Chapel I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. So the prospect of having him as my new legal guardian had been frightening. But I quickly got over it when I realized that no matter how protective and controlling he was, he was still going to put me first.

Harry was waiting in my room after I had washed away my makeup, changed and brushed my teeth. He was sitting on my bed, thumbing through the messages on his phone but looked up and smiled when I came in, "Tired princess?"

"Believe it or not, I'm actually wide awake," I said in mock surprise. "Maybe it has something to do with the time or my age-"

"Ah, get into bed troublemaker," Harry rolled his eyes, pulling back my covers. I handed him my mobile before he even asked and climbed into the bed, rolling around so I didn't have to face him as he pulled the covers back up and sat down. "Aren't you going to kiss me goodnight?" I sighed loudly before rolling around to face Harry.

He smiled softly, reaching down and brushing a piece of hair away from my face, "You know this is all because I know what's best."  

I nodded slowly, closing my eyes as he bent down and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead, "Goodnight sweetheart, I love you."

"I love you too Harry."

I watched him straighten up, leaving the room and flicking my light off but leaving my door open a crack with the hall light on. Whether he thought I needed to nightlight or he just wanted to be able to hear me if I ever needed him, I didn't know. But he never shut my door. And that was really nothing compared to the other ways he babied me.

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