Chapter 17

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So sorry it's been so long! Make sure to check out my youtube! And kik me some feedback!! annfishy

Harry's POV

It hurt a little, watching Niall’s face sort of break and hearing Zayn whisper comforting things into his ear and hug him tightly as I left the room, slamming the door. But I couldn’t back down on this; it was my job. I took a deep, calming breath outside the door, covering my face in my hands and trying to gain back the strong attitude I was known for having.

         “Hey, you okay sir?” a sort of quiet and concerned voice came from my left. I lifted up my head, sniffing at the same time and wiping my nose, looking around to where a girl was standing next to me. For once, I felt my heart stop, for once I suddenly became nervous around a girl, for once I became self aware and tried to flatten my hair. She was gorgeous. She had long brown hair that looked so soft and smooth and was slightly curly. She had dark, dark brown eyes and silver eye makeup on despite the fact that she was in football clothes. Which only made her ten times more attractive.

         She was staring at me with raised eyebrows when I realized I hadn’t answered her question and blushed, “I-I’m all right, thanks.”

         “You don’t seem all right, “ she said with a small smile. “What’s bothering you curly?” I bit my lip to keep from smiling and raised a playful eyebrow, “Well, I’m here with my little sister and raising her isn’t exactly a ball.”

         “Raising your little sister eh?” she grinned. “Why don’t you just party and have fun all the time? Then maybe it won’t be as hard.”
         “As much as I love to party, I don’t want my little sister to love it,” I smirked softly. Where had my charming arrogance gone?! “My name’s Harry by the way, but I feel like you’re going to keep calling me curly.”

         “Well,” she laughed, shaking my extended hand. “You got that right curly. My name’s Anna.” My breathe hitched in my throat and if it was possibly, I was suddenly more attracted, I really liked names that started with an A. My last girlfriend’s name was Ariana. “My mother’s name was Anne and my sister’s name is Annie.” After I finished this sentence, I mentally face palmed and blushed even more; no girl wants to be compared to a guys mother.

         She smirked and acted as if I totally didn’t just burst out with random facts, “I’d love to meet your sister sometime.”

         “She’d love to meet you, may I have your number?”

         “Certainly good sir,” she said in a posh impression of my accent making me chuckle. As she said it out to me, I put her contact name in and said, “If you’re calling me curly, I’m calling you Banana for Anna Banana and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

         “Fine by me, make sure to text me Curly,” she winked before starting to walk away. When she was almost down the hall, I quickly texted her and smirked as her phone binged and she stopped walking. She took it out, laughed and looked back, “Just checking?”

         “Just checking love, how about lunch tomorrow with me and Annie?”

         “Deal handsome.”
         “See you later beautiful.”

By the time I got back to the room, I had almost forgotten why I left. That was until I heard sniffling and saw my little girl’s head peeked over the comforter. My heart dropped as I realized I had left her traumatized from the dream just to yell at Niall. I dropped onto the bed and cupped her face in my hands, kissing her forehead, “You’re not in trouble anymore.”
         “Why?” she hiccupped.

         “Just in a good mood,” I shrugged, trying  not to smile as I recalled the way Anna’s hair bounced as she walked down the hall.

         “From yelling at Niall?” she asked kind of harshly. I narrowed my eyes, “Lose the attitude and lay back down. It’s too late for you to be awake. Don’t be scared from the dream, you know I’m right here and that I’m not going anywhere. Just shush and lie down.” She scrunched her eyes together, confused as to why I wasn’t cuddling her but did as I said and buried her face under the blankets.

         I sighed at how stern I had sounded and quickly climbed under the covers, hugging her into my chest, “I’m sorry all right? I’m sorry I care this much about you, but I’m not losing you to some boy.” She didn’t answer me so I kissed the back of her head and muttered, “No more dreams when I’m around. No monsters when there’s a big brother here. I’ve got you love, go to sleep.”

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