The date

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When it was nearly 5pm Alexa was walking toward the park alongside the river, when Alexa arrived, she met Lucas sitting on a portion away from people with a picnic blanket, roses around, a few glasses of wine and lasagna that his own mother had done, Alexa came and Lucas stood up and kissed her ..

-Lucas: I'm glad you came ... I missed you.

-Alexa: I like this, no one had done anything like this for me ..

-Lucas: You think it was too far for our first date?

-Alexa: No of course not, every time someone does something nice for me I smiled ..

-Lucas: Oh, I think that's why I work, because I love your smile.

-Alexa: Awww, that's adorable, I never thought that you will be very interested, but now I see that you love me..

-Lucas: Of course your interest me, and much .. Anyway I'm always the one that talk, tell me more about you, your friends, your family, etc

-Alexa: Well I have a best friend named Daniel, we are friends since I came to college, it's very good to me, for sometimes he helps me by charging my books .. Ohh and I have two best friends, one of them is called Marceline, she's very good I love writing things with her in an app, and we also like to sing in messenger, it's very good friend, my other best friend's name is Viviana, she loves to read, but she never reveals what she's reading, sometimes it is a little "cranky" but I still love her.

-Lucas: Wow, that looks very interesting, I have too many friends but they are not good to say .. many have betrayed me and that feels very ugly ...

-Alexa: Ohhh....Well in the case of my family, my mother died when I was 4 years old, I never had brothers and my father abandoned me ... and now I live with my aunt.

-Lucas: Ohhhh, sorry ... My father died four years ago and my mother is still alive, thank God, and then my brother's name is Tyler but rarely I see him, he's father and he has a family in Las Vegas.

-Alexa: Well, interesting .. I think this date was more to know each other better ... now I know my boyfriend has an interesting and strange family ... no, just kidding very cute family

-Lucas: Oh you're so funny! Hahaha

-Alexa: Yeah, I guess lol, well it's getting late I think I should go, oh by the way that lasagna was delicious! Tell your mother thank you.

-Lucas: Oh yes it's a little late, I could take you home if you want, and yes obviously I will tell her! She wants to meet you, you think on Sunday at 10am?

-Alexa: Yes! It will be very funny! I'm very excited! No I can walk alone thank you...Love you

-Lucas: Love you more, bye! ♥

After this date what became clear was that they both loved each other more than they thought, when Alexa got home she felt the happiest person in the world, and she never fall into depression again

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