21st stop: Frankfort, Kentucky

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I fell asleep with Mark right beside me holding me in his arms. I didn't want to move but it was almost time for the show. Did I really sleep in that late? Anyway I woke Mark up with a gentle nudge and he fell on the floor. I didn't know if I should laugh or if I should be worried for him. So, I just laughed and helped him up. It's time to get up. We get up and ready for the show.
*skip the show
After the show I met up with Micah, Bailey, and Ariel. While Mark, Blake, Zach, Edwin, and Jacob. We went out to the movies then to dinner at Taco Bell. We saw "The Boy" it was supposed to be scary but, the scariest thing about it was when the guy came out of the mirror as a grown Brahmas (spoiler if you haven't seen it yet) we let out a couple of yelps but nothing bad. After that, we met up with the guys and hung out in Ariel's room. We played truth or dare:
Ariel was sitting in Zach's lap
Micah was in Jacob's arms
I was sitting by Mark with our legs crossed together.
Bailey was practically making out with Edwin they were kissing like every 5 seconds but it was cute I thought and poor Blake was sitting on the other side of Mark.
Zach: Yo Edwin, take your lips and answer a question really quick.
Edwin: fine hurry up you have like 30 seconds.
Zach: truth or dare?
Edwin: dare.
Zach: go get a room and make out with Bailey like I mean, you are already on the job so I guess the dare is to get a room.
Edwin: fine we will get a room!
Zach: thanks. Next.
Blake: ok I got this! Micah truth or dare?
Micah: ugghhh Blake I hate you😂 truth.
Blake: damn, what are your true feelings for Jacob?
Micah started to blush
Micah: now I really hate you Blake😂 ok fine!
Jacob started to stare at Micah.
Micah: I really like you Jacob, you might be Hollywood to your friends but, you are the sweetest Hollywood I have ever met.
Jacob blushed but trued to hide it.
Blake: ooooooh, next?
Mark: Ariel truth or dare?
Ariel: damn it Mark I thought I was going to get out of this game clean. Truth.
Mark: did Zach take your vriginity!?
Ariel: Damn it, you know what fuck you Mark!😂 and maybeeeee...
Mark: WTF! I thought it would have been the guy who raped you!
*Mark joked
Ariel: shut up I am not that boring.😂
Kay: Jacob truth or dare?
Jacob: dare bitch lay it on me!
Kay: ok, you are asking for it, Mark go get the cinnamon.
Jacob: Oh My Fucking! Kay! I'm gonna kill you!
*Mark walks back with the cinnamon.
Kay: go ahead Jacob have fun!
Jacob: fuck off.

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