Nick or Zach or Nobody

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Nick and I arrived at the 5quad house, everyone was glad to see us. Edwin looks at me and asks where Zach was, I told him I honestly don't  know. Rudan steps up and tells me that we should all go check at his house to see what he is doing not answering you're text messages. Is that cool with everyone I asked? I heard 4 Yeses and we started to roll out the door. We all jumped in the car Nick driving me in the passenger seat. Nick said kaylee if anything happens hear we are hear for you. I know why wouldn't you be there for me. That's my girl Nick said. All you hear in the background is aww Nick going in big tonight. Everyone started laughing. We arrived at Zach's house and Apryll answered the door hey guys did Zach invite you, yeah he did actually. Ok he is up in his room but I think someone is in there with him. Ok thanks Apryll, so we quickly and quietly walk up stairs to Zach's bedroom, Edwin opens the door to find Zach and Ariel making out on the wall.

Nick's P.o.v
We have to keep Kaylee back so she doesn't she, I don't want that girl to get hurt Zach told me what she has been through I feel so bad for her she needs to leave. I grab Kaylee without letting her look in the room at Zach and Ariel. I take her and make her wait in the car I got Edwin to sit in the car with her until I am done beating his ass up. I walk back in the house while I hear Kaylee behind me saying Nick, Nick, STOP don't do this I know you don't want me to get hurt but making someone else hurt is not supposed to help me, it just makes it worse I know from my old school. I turn around to see Kaylee with tears coming down her face, I walk back up to her and grab her by the face and kiss her

Next one will be longer❤️

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