I woke up with only Ariel and Bailey everyone else was gone, maybe they just went out to eat or something. I was thinking about Mark and I when a thought crossed my mind. Mark lived in Pennsylvania and I lived in Texas. How were we going to date from over like a day away by car. Ariel started talking to me and the problem just left my mind knowing that we are going to figure it out. Bailey still hasn't woke up so I pushed her off of her bed so that she would wake up. She woke up and she was pissed at me but it blew over pretty fast. Micah, Bailey, and I all said yes to the guys that asked up out so we officially had boyfriends that we could love and not just dream about in our heads. It was almost the end of the tour and I was sad that I wouldn't get to do this for ever, I wish this was my life and my job so I could do it everyday and just hang out with friends and Bailey. After today's stop we only had 2 left and ending in San Antonino, Texas. I got ready for the show early, so I would have time to hang out with my friends a little bit before the show. Ariel and I went to a DQ (Dairy Queen) on our hover boards and got two ice cream cones and did the unicorn challenge for probably the last time on tour. We rode outside on our hover boards and screamed I AM A UNICORN it was great we left laughing our heads off. We still had the ice cream on our heads when we ran into Zach and Mark walking together.
M: what are you two doing?
K: we are unicorns can't you see?
A: yeah Mark the real question is why are you not a unicorn?
M: umm, because it is almost time for the show and I don't want ice cream on my forehead 😂
A: wait, it's almost time for the show!?!
Z: yeah we have like 10 minutes.
A: shit!
Ariel and I zoomed off on the hover boards back to our bus getting the ice cream off of our faces and reapplying our make up as fast as possible. It was time for the show!
*skip the show
I walked back with Mark, Ariel, and Zach. Then we all got on our hover boards and rode off, just along the street talking and chilling. Mark leaned in for a kiss and I couldn't resist, it is Mark for the love of god.

1 girl 5 guys
FanfictionA small town girl gets recognized by 5 quad through her sister after moving to San Antonino, Texas