Chapter 1.

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Bella P.O.V.

It's been almost a two decades since he left. I've been fine ever since. I got what I wanted. To die, but not to actually die. My human part died shortly after he left. I'm immortal now, I've never felt better about myself since. I never think about what happened to me over nineteen years ago. I feel better now. He's gone. He's been gone. I'm fine without him now. When he left I felt nothing. I went completely numb without him. I don't know why I felt like nothing after he left, it was completely pointless. He never loved me, so why should I ever love him? I don't love him and he doesn't love me. That's just the way things have to be.

About six months after he left, I came across two vampires whose eyes were a deep blood red shade. They said they were with the Volturi. I remembered that he had mentioned them before, and how they only ruled because of their need for power. Soon after, they changed me. I've been with them ever since except my eyes were not red like theirs. They were a pure golden shade. I hunt animals just like the family I once knew did. Aro, the leader of the Volturi felt that it was unfair to kill me since I knew too much about vampires, so he turned me. I was a gifted vampire, he told me. I was a shield. Meaning I could protect me and anyone around me if I learned how to project it properly. I remember that he once told me when I was a newborn, that I was one of the most powerful vampires to exist. I never really understood why, but according to the others, gifted vampires were stronger than all vampires combined.

All night in my room I constantly thought about how I'm wasting my life. I mean I work for the Volturi, I watch them feed on innocent humans, and I watch them punish vampires that have committed crimes get tore limb by limb just to be burnt to ashes everyday. Everyday I have to sit in my room alone thinking about why I'm doing this. Why do I choose to stay with them? They only like me because of my gift. My gift can't really help them since I don't know how to protect any of them. I still don't understand why they keep me around. They should've just killed me. Why didn't they just kill me? I was a useless clumsy human who was heartbroken, and knew too much about vampires. They should have, I mean they had the perfect opportunity to kill me when they wanted to.

After a couple of hours, I've been thinking about leaving the Volturi. Although I know they won't let me, all I can do is just try. Some part of me thought that I'll be fine without them. I'll be better off on my own. In fact, I knew that I would be fine without them. I could just live my life the way I want to spend it which is being alone. As I put my long black cloak over my shoulders, I made my way down the hall to the main chambers where Aro, Ciaus, and Marcus were, I finally decided what I was going to say to them.

"Ah Bella, what a pleasant surprises!" The cheer Aro had in his voice every time he saw me made me feel uneasy, and think he was creepy. Which he was. All of them were. Every time I see the red in their blood filled eyes.

"Hello Aro," I said as I slowly walked to my usual spot next to Ciaus, "Do you think I can ask you something? If that's okay?" He nodded as he walked down the steps away from his "devil throne" as I like to call it.

"Yes, what is it Bella?" His voice turned low as we were interrupted by the receptionist.

"My apologies, but, Aro, you have a visitor. It's quite urgent actually," he nodded as he sat back in his so called, "throne."

"Of course send them in," I walked to my spot which was next to Jane and her brother Alec, who were also gifted vampires, which is why Aro kept them around too.

Jane had the gift to cause pain to anyone she focused on. Alec, on the other hand, was more powerful than Jane. He has a paralyzing vapor that could rob you of sight, sound, and touch. Jane's gift was nothing compared to his. As I continued staring at the door, waiting for the arrival of the vampire who absolutely needed to see Aro. I watched as Aro rose from his seat, then I saw the door open drastically. My non-beating heart felt like it had just stopped. The thought of all the things that could ever happen just happened. I recognized the bronze-haired boy I once loved, and his golden eyes that were staring into Aro's. I reverted my eyes quickly before he could see me, and I could feel the cold looks from Jane and Alec staring at me. I don't understand why this would happen. I got over him, and now he's back. The person I thought I would never see again is standing in this very room.

"Edward Cullen, what a magnificent surprise! May I ask what brings you here?" I heard his footsteps behind me move slightly closer to Aro.

"I'm here to bring to your attention that I can't live with myself anymore. I want to die," I heard a gasp from Aro as he ran in front of Edward. From peripheral vision, I watched him grab Edwards' hand to see the obscure reason to why he wishes to die.

It was silent for a moment, but I could feel Aro's eyes turn to me, and I heard a slight sigh come from him.

"So you want to die all because of a girl? A human girl?" I watched to see Edward nod in my direction.

"I'm afraid your gifts are to powerful to destroy, and are you sure she is really dead?" He nodded again looking into Aro's cold red eyes, "Well I'm afraid your wrong, she isn't dead," he looked over to me, signaling for me to show myself, but I didn't have the courage to.

"What do you mean?" His face looked puzzled as I began to turn myself to him.

"Well, my dear Bella, it looks like you are the one who has a visitor," I turned my body to face him as I removed my hood to reveal my face, and I could feel the shock running through his cold veins.

Everything was silent for a moment as his eyes stared deeply into mine. I watched as the crooked smile I would kiss form on his face. The horror inside me starting building up as I remembered all of the things I loved about him.

After moments of silence, he finally spoke. His voice spoke so elegantly when he said my name, that I thought I'd never hear again, "Bella."

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