Chapter 3.

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Edward P.O.V.

"She's alive! And you never told me?" I felt all anger that I could ever have build up inside me, and I could feel all of the shocked faces turn to me.

"Edward! That's enough!" I heard Esme's voice from the other side of the room. I ignored her and continued to glare at Alice for an answer.

"How was I supposed to know you wanted to be with her again! You left her Edward! You told her you never loved her! You wanted to live without her! This was your decision Edward!" The fury in Alice's eyes made me realize that she was right. I did leave Bella. I left her all alone with no protection, but my reason for leaving was to protect her. That's all I've ever wanted for her.

"I didn't want any of this! I wanted her to live a normal, happy life! That's all I've ever wanted for her! The least you could have done was to tell me that she was alive! You put me in this situation Alice!" I knew that blaming my sister was wrong because I regretted it afterwards, so I stormed up to my room regretting everything.

I slammed my door shut and ran out the window. I needed to clear my head from all this nonsense. I shouldn't have yelled at Alice, but some part of me felt better. I got everything I have been hiding for almost two decades off of my chest. I ran into the woods, and found myself in the meadow I had once shown Bella. I felt my non-beating heart skip a beat as I saw a dark figure in the middle of the meadow. It was her. The girl I loved then lost just because I wanted to protect her. I slowly walked towards her and watched as her body turned to face me.

"Hello Edward," when she said my name, I could tell it killed her inside as she saw me. Her eyes met mine as she began to walk towards me.

Out of complete natural reflexes I grabbed her hand, but I could tell she felt uncomfortable since she pulled away from me. "I'm sorry," her eyes turned to meet mine again as I backed away slowly.

"It's okay, but we need to talk," I nodded as she grabbed my hand. I felt the sudden urge to kiss her, but I knew I couldn't.

"What's wrong?" Her eyes turned away from me as she held my hand in hers. I watched as her eyes turned back to mine as she looked down at our hands, and how they were perfectly intertwined.

"It's not that easy to explain, but I just need to know... Did you ever love me? At all?" I felt confused as to why she would ask such a question, but then I realized it was because I left her.

"Of course I did Bella. I still do love you, and I've never stopped loving you," I saw a slight smile form on her face, but then quickly turned back into a frown.

"Then why did you leave? You left me all alone. You left me heartbroken," my heart broke as she finished speaking. I didn't know that I made her feel like that. She was also right. I did leave her all alone, but I had a good reason to.

"I didn't want to leave you Bella. Believe me, my intensions were to never hurt you, but to protect you. That's all I wanted for you Bella, and leaving you was the hardest thing I had ever done. The reason I left was to protect you. I'm really sorry Bella," I could have sworn I had felt my eyes start to tear up as I grabbed her hands in mine, I started to smile at her hoping that she could somehow forgive me.

"I know you are, and I didn't think I could ever live with myself if you left because you didn't love me," I watched her eyes as she began to dry sob in my arms.

I held her tightly as she continued to sob. I felt her body tense as I held her. My heart began to shatter as I heard her cry in my arms. I never thought I would ever see her sob like this. All of this was because of me. I made her like this. Her soul was destroyed because of me. I basically ruined her life by leaving, and I knew I couldn't leave her side again.

"Bella?" Her body moved away from mine as she looked up into my eyes. I could see the despair and the need for tears to stream down her face as if she could really cry.

"Yes?" Her eyes turned away from me as I cleared my mind to decide why I would say to her.

"I promise you, I will never leave you again. I still love you Bella. Always have and I always will," her eyes turned back to me, but she was frowning.

I could see a slight glare in her eyes as I looked at her, "No," I heard a little bit of anger in her voice as she turned away from me. I watched as she got up from the ground and turned her back to me.

"You don't get to do that! You don't get to walk back into my life thinking everything can go back to normal. Because everything isn't normal. You still left me!" I watched as her voice started to raise in a sign of anger. "You don't deserve for everything to be back to normal. You left me Edward! You left me with nothing! You left me with nothing but the heartbreaking memories of you and me! You left me, and you didn't come back! How could I ever believe that you ever loved me if you left me all alone!"

I felt my heart starting to break. I felt my eyes begin to dry sob as I got up to move closer to her.

"Bella, I do love you. You're all I've ever wanted. Just me and you. In our long happy forever," I heard her huff in anger as she turned back to me.

"That's a total lie! You left me thinking that you never loved me. You wanted me to forget about you which I did! You left me remember? You said you didn't want me! You said I wasn't good enough for you! You promised me Edward! After you left, I swore to myself that I could never forgive you. And you know what? I still keep that promise to myself. I could never forgive all of the hell you put me through for the last two decades. You left me, so now it's time I left you!"

I couldn't believe her words that she said to me. I felt all tension spread throughout me, but I knew I had to fight. I knew I had to fight for the girl I loved. I knew I loved her, and I knew she loved me. I saw that she was trying to run off back into the woods, but before she could, I grabbed her hand, and pressed my lips against hers just like everything used to be.

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