Chapter 11.

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Unknown P.O.V.

I've been watching her for months now, knowing she had something special. She had a gift, I could tell. She had the gift of manipulating people's minds. The way she could make people do whatever she wants, convinces me that she has a gift. A strong gift. A gift that could help us get Bella back to serve with us. I watched her long red hair flip swiftly to her back. As much I as wanted to change her, I couldn't. Aro was waiting for her, so I had to bring her to him.

I walked slowly into the restaurant where she was eating dinner. No one was there luckily, so I took this as an advantage to bring her to Aro. Her eyes looked up to me as I sat directly across from her. The scent of her blood made me cringe. I wanted to kill her right now, but luckily, I was able to control my thirst.

"Hello there," I saw her eyelashes flutter at me as I spoke she began to grin as my eyes locked on hers.

"Well hello," her smile became wider as I smiled back at her...surprisingly, I actually meant the smile.

"My name is Alec, it's a pleasure to meet you," I smiled again as I reached my hand out to her wanting her to shake it.

"I'm Sierra, it's nice to meet you too," she smiled back while grabbing my hand. I was a bit surprised that she didn't notice how cold my hand was...she didn't even flinch.

"So may I ask you a question?" I raised my brows as her hand still held mine.

"Sure. Any question you could desire," she nodded while her smile widened, as her grip tighten around my hand.

        "Have you ever been to Italy before? Because I won a free tour there, and I have an extra ticket if you would like to accompany me..." I stopped, waiting for a response from her, and I could see the speechless look on her face.

        "Me? You want me to go to Italy with you?" She practically jumped out of the seat as I nodded with a smile.

        "Only if you want to," I reassured her, but knowing her, she was going to say yes.

        "Of course I would! I would be crazy if I didn't go!" She jumped in excitement while sitting back down.

        "When do we leave?" Her face looked puzzled as she started to calm down.

        "Tonight," I responded while watching her smile turn into a low frown.

        "Um... I don't know if I can," her head looked down at her hands as I saw the disappointment in her expression.

        "Oh come on... It'll be fun," I assured her as my hand laid on top of hers.

        "Well I guess I could say it's for school," she started smiling again while grasping my hand.

        "Good, so you'll go?" She simply nodded as I got up from the seat, "well we should be going then..."

        "Oh...right now? I haven't even packed," I shook my head trying not to laugh at her remark.

        "Don't worry, you won't need any of that," I said as I grabbed her hand and led her out the door.  I could feel a devilish smile form on my face as we got into the car.

Sierra P.O.V.

        We've been in Italy for a few hours now, I still don't know what we're going to do except take a tour of some place.  He hasn't told me where though, just that I'm going to love it, but how do I know that if I don't even know where I'm going?  As we continued walking, I watched as we approached this tall ancient building with huge doors that led into a long dark hallway.

        "Where are we?" I asked as my eyes looked around the place. 

        "We are on our tour right now," I watched as a slight smile formed on Alec's face as he grabbed my hand, leading me to another set of large doors that revealed a much bigger, opened room.

        I scanned the room to find more people in here.  I watched as a blonde girl walked up to me and Alec.  I saw her eyes that were a dark shade of red.  It kind of freaked me out a bit as she moved to Alec's side.

        "It's about time you showed up big brother...Aro's been waiting," the way she spoke made me feel frightened by her as her eyes turned to mine, "and I see you've brought a guest...Hi I'm Jane.  You're Sierra right?" I nodded without saying a word to her.

        I followed closely behind them as we walked to three people who were sitting in high chairs that looked like thrones.  One of them quickly rushed in front of me.  I saw the same red eyes that Jane has, in fact, all of them had red eyes.  Strange, I thought to myself quietly.

        "Ah Sierra, it's great to finally see you," I watched as his eyes stared deeply into mine as I wondered how does he know my name?

        "Um...hello.  May I ask why you know my name?" I asked speaking my thoughts aloud.

        "Why Alec has told me about your arrival, I'm Aro by the way.  It's an honor to meet you," I felt a strange feeling in my stomach from the way Aro would look at me, but then again, all of them made me feel uneasy.

        "You as well, I think..." I paused before speaking again as I analyzed the room once more, "What is this place?"

        I looked back into his eyes as he thought of a way to respond, "Well you're in Volterra of course," I knew he could see the confusion in my face as I tilted my head a little, "Alec didn't tell you did he?"

        "Tell me what?" I felt my head tilt more as Aro moved away from me.

        "You are very special to us Sierra.  We need you to work with us," I was confused again as he hesitated before continuing, "We're vampires Sierra, and we believe that you would be a good use to us."

        "Vampires? Is this some kind of joke? What do you mean by I would be a good use to you?" I fired question after question waiting for an explanation.

        "You have a gift, and we want you to help us with something," I nodded as he continued, "We need you to help us get someone that we desperately need back to serve with us... I believe you know her?"

        "Maybe...maybe not. Do you have a name for that particular person?"

        "Bella...Bella Swan," as soon as I realized who he was talking about, I was in.  Bella was that girl with the handsome guy...Edward I think his name was.  Damn he is hot, I thought to myself while trying to hold in a laugh.

        "Yeah, I know her. What do I have to do?" He waited for a moment before answering, but I could tell he was having trouble processing the thought.

        "Well first there's something more difficult we'll have to do," I didn't answer I just looked around the room again, but before I could look back to Aro, I felt a sharp sudden pain sink in my neck.

        I completely dropped to the floor, screaming from the agonizing pain that was running through my body.  I could feel fire around me.  All I wanted was for this to stop.  Why couldn't this stop! What's happening to me? God! Make the pain just stop! As I continued to scream trying to make the pain go away, the fire increased as it slowly moved to my heart.  I felt my heart take its' lasts beats as it came to a complete stop.


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