Chapter 2

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Rei's P.O.V.

After some LONG staring and awkward silence with a lot of explaining we finally moved on to the fact that both me and Naruto returned.

"Good to see you again, Naruto!" I say as I finally get the chance of proper greeting.

"You too Rei-chan! You have changed you know! You are even more beautiful than before!" Naruto exclaims and I see Sakura fuming behind him. "I wonder what Kiba will say..." He trails off and I look down sadly as Sakura finally gets the chance of punching him.

"Baka Naruto! Don't just say that!" She yells at him as he tries to apologize over and over again.

"It's okay." I say as I look back up with a smile. "You changed as well Naruto." I say as I get a shocked face and I move myself closer to him.

"Are you?" I start as I measure our heights. "Taller than me?" I ask myself in disbelief.

"I sure am dattebayo!" He shouts as I'm still looking at him in disbelief.

"It was hard for me to." Sakura sighs next to me.

"Wow Sakura!" I say as I turn my attention to her as well. "You've changed as well. You look really cool now!" I say and she nods complimenting me back.

"So..." My mom says after some time catching our attention. "I take it the training went well?" She asks to me and Naruto.

"Did you think he'd come back with no results?" Dad counter questions on my mom.

"I did great!" Naruto then brags.

"What about you, Rei?" Shizune asks me.

"She's my student after all." Smoky-sensei says as she lilts another cigarette. "If she wouldn't be strong she would die ten times already due to my training." She says as I look down in depressed aura.

"It's true." I say as I shiver lightly at my memories.

"Well then, let's see those results." Mom says as Naruto looks at her confused. Looks like the only thing changed is his appearance.

"See them?" He questions her as she nods.

"I'd like you to fight against a certain someone. I haven't given him any missions the past few days so that he could rest up. You're opponent is..." Mom starts as a knock interrupts us.

"Come in!" Mom calls and the doors open revealing Shikamaru and Temari.

I inwardly squeal at them. They look so cute together!

"Hey." Shikamaru lazily greets.

"Shikamaru, Temari-san, look!" Sakura says all happily as she points at us. "Who do you think those two are?"

Shikamaru narrows his eyes as he looks at both of us. "Naruto...Hey! If it isn't Naruto!" He says as he smiles.

"Shikamaru!" Naruto shouts as Temari watches him with wide eyes.

"Oi Shikamaru-kun! Do you really not recognize me?" I say as I get a sweat drop. Shikamaru and Temari both turn to me and watch me until Temari's eyes widen.

"Rei-chan!" She screams as I tackle her in a hug.

"Rei?!" Shikamaru ask shouts.

"Yep!" Naruto says. "I couldn't believe it either!" He says again as I nod and release Temari-chan.

"So you two came back!" He states.

"Yeah. I just got back this morning." Naruto still replies.

"I got back half an hour ago." I say and we all lightly laugh.

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