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The thing about high school is that Beau didn't mind it much.

Learning shouldn't be something that's dreaded, if it's taught correctly.

When a subject is taught incorrectly, it becomes a dreaded motion to attend school. A thorn in your side as you'd walk to your locker - and judging by the Forks education system, Beau was sure he'd one of those people who hated going to class.

Mr. Culp was his History teachers name, and Beau hated him already. From the man's thinning head of hair to his brown loafers. He seemed like someone you'd expect to be either a librarian, a History teacher, or a cranky old man who yelled at kids to get off his lawn at the end of a neighborhood street.

Unluckily for Beau, he had this man first block. Which meant he had to settle for a lesson over something he'd learned back in Phoenix; while also having to deal with the stares of his peers over his new addition to their classroom population.

Deftly, Beau wondered what Bella was doing or if she was experiencing the same treatment. The same treatment being that their peers would be constantly looking over their shoulders, watching with wide eyes, at every minuscule move that they'd make at their desk.

He hoped Bella wasn't experiencing this.

"Everyone must have a partner for this exercise." Mr. Culp spoke, and Beau's jaw clenched. Mr. Culp ignored the slight groans from the seniors filling up his class and handed out a stack of papers, telling everyone to take one and that they'd go over it shortly after it was passed out.

After he read off the instructions for the activity, Beau was paired with a small girl named Angela Weber. Beau sucked in a breath, grateful it wasn't someone too daunting or one of the girls who'd been staring and whispering about him all class.

Angela sat down beside him, and a puff of soft freesia smelling perfume pressed against the underside of Beau's nostrils. Angela, Beau noticed, was small and fragile looking. Like a dove, or a soft kitten. Her hair was as dark as his, and her hazel colored eyes were hidden behind a pair of thin-rimmed purple glasses.

"Angela." She greeted, and her hand stuck out in his direction.

"Beau." Beau stated, shaking her hand before he glanced down at the schedule that was poking out from the top of her binder. Alongside her classes for the semester, was her grade level: junior.

Apparently, Angela wasn't only soft and pretty looking, but also intelligent.

"Junior."  Beau read out loud, and his voice seemed to startle Angela.

"Yeah," Angela spoke, and she tucked a piece of dark hair behind her ear. "My parents are making me take higher classes this year. They want me to graduate with honors."

"Oh." Was all Beau could think of to say in reply.

"So, do you want to be the president?" Angela asked, looking down at their project's syllabus.

"If you want me to be." Beau replied, and he saw Angela look up at him in surprise. Almost like she been expecting him to rip the choice of presidency away from her the first chance she'd offered it to him.

"Can I be president?" Angela's voice was timid as she asked this question.

"Sure." Beau replied, and he wrote down Angela's name in the slot that stated who the president was amongst the both of them. After scribbling his name in the 'vice president' slot on his paper, he looked back up at Angela. "So, Miss. President, what's the first thing we'd like to change?"

Angela smiled at his choice of words. "Women's rights?"

Beau nodded his head, drawing a circle on his notebook paper. In the middle of the circle, he wrote: women's rights before drawing a tiny line extending from it.

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