Ronessa Did Screw Up

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Author's POV/

The room was completely silent.

No one dared to speak
No one dared to respond
No one dared to breathe

Because... It was time. Time for everything to finally spill. The only sound in the room was Ross and Vanessa's heart pounding loudly in their chest.

It was time for everyone to know the truth.

All the kids had great things to say... But now it's time for the parents to speak. Especially two people who were effected majorly in this.

Ross & Laura

Gosh Ross messed up, he messed up so badly. And he'll keep messing up. For as long as he will till he becomes satisfied. Which isn't for a long time... Until he gets what he wants.

He wants Vanessa!

Laura... She is broken. Completely ripped apart. Not vulnerable to anything because... She experienced great pain and heartbreak. She kept going to the same person... She can't get over him.

No matter how hard she tried...
No matter how many things she sacrificed...
No matter how many times he hurt her...

Let's not forget Vanessa and Riker...

Riker is almost any guy. He gets a girlfriend and the hot brother steals her. Riker loved Vanessa and Vanessa loved Riker. But remember that there is an 'ed' in the end of love.

You piss Riker off, you're out of his life.

Now... Vanessa. What could one thing of her?

She hooked up with her sisters husband
She broke her sisters heart with no regret
She is in love with her sisters husband and her husbands brother

But she doesn't care. No one could be that selfish... Laura even came crying to Vanessa about Ross... But Vanessa didn't care because she is selfish...

Some people create their own storms, then they get upset when it rains... Ross did this whole thing. He started everything and now he's paying the price for it...

But is he really paying or getting hurt?

Or is Laura the one getting hurt like always?

Ross makes the mistakes and Laura is the only one getting hurt.

Some people only hurt people in an attempt of healing themselves. But what did Vanessa need healing in? Did she even feel guilty for hurting her sister? Probably not... Maybe at first. But this... This dark flame forced Vanessa not to care and to only get one thing... Ross.

No matter who she was hurting or how she did it.

Never have respect or sympathy for people who act like they're the only one going through something in life

"Okay... Who would like to go first?" Ellington shakily said as everyone brought their attention towards Ross and Vanessa. After a while of Ross and Vanessa not saying a word... Ryland stood up.

"Ross... I don't even know you anymore" Ryland sighed as he looked at Vanessa.

"I don't know either of you" He said as he pointed at Laura.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora