Meeting The Characters

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Reese's POV/

Hey, my names Reese Shor Lynch. What can I say about myself? Well my parents names are Ross and Laura Lynch. It has a good ring to it, don't ya think? 😊 I'm a freshman in Hillcrest High school. Go Hillcrest's Hawks!! Everyone in my family goes to that school. Robin and Roxane Ratliff are my second cousins. Randy and Riley Lynch are my first cousins. Randy and Robin are sophomores making them turn 16 this year. Roxy is a junior who is gonna turn 17 years old and Riley is a senior who is gonna be 18. And I'm stuck as a 14-15 year old freshman. My Uncle Rocky and my Aunt Alexa also have a kid. It's a girl too. Her name is Rockell. She's a junior like Roxy. I have a little sister name Reagan. Her and I are are very close. She's 4, turning 5. Today is the first day of school. Yay -.-

"Reese honey. Get up. You don't wanna be late for your first day of high school" My mother called me from downstairs.

I look in the mirror. I was wearing a black shirt with a skate board on it, and black jeans. My hair in it's natural dark brown straight hair. I get it from my mother. Tan skin, straight dark brown hair, and it's funny. I don't get anything from my dad tho. Weird rigth? Maybe his eye color. Maybe.

"Coming mom" I yelled getting my bag and walking downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and kiss my moms cheek. She smiles and remains cooking.

I see Reagan coloring in her notebook. She was in Pre-K. She was actually pretty smart for that grade. She had brown hair, hazel eyes. She looked an exact image of mom and dad combined.

"Good morning Ressie" Reagan says hugging me tightly. Giving me that nickname since she was little. Like I said, we are very close. "Morning Reagan" I reply as she let's go of me and continues to color.

I go to the fridge and take out the milk carton. I open it and drink from it. My mother smacking my arm in the process.

"Now you got the nozzle dirty" My mom says glaring at me. I smile cheekily and go to the living room.

My dad walking down the stairs. His blonde hair jumping up and down as he walks down the stairs.

"What's up freshie? Ready for your first day?" My dad said fist bumping me. "I guess" I say not very confidently.

"And remember, don't take shit from no one." I nod cause my dad doesn't want me to be bullied. "Ross, Reagan is in the living room. Don't curse" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Ok dad. What do I do? What do I grab and hit first?" I ask curiously. My dad smirks at me walking over to me.

"Just get him off balance. Kick his leg or something. If he falls than start beating him up. Punch his chest or body" He says all at once.

I didn't get half of what he said. I give him a curious look. He knows me to well to think that I didn't get what he said.

"Ok, you do... Here lemme show you" He says grabbing my head. I was scared at first. My dad was pretty strong.

He sticks out his leg making me fall on my face. It hurt cause then he got on top of me. He's gonna kill me. He starts doing some new tricks.

"Dad!" I yell cause this was weird. "Pay attention. Then you take his arm and twist it around" He says taking my arm and twisting it around. Help...

"Ross! Let go of Reese. There's no wrestling in the house" My mom says walking in.

My dad let's go of me. I stand up moving my arm in circles. Thank god for mothers.

"How's my beautiful wife doing?" My dad says kissing my mom for a few seconds. Reagan comes running into the room.

"Daddy!" Reagan says excitedly and running to dad. He smiles and picks her up. "Good morning Ross. Reese, Riley is gonna be here with her car in--" A car horn interrupts her.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora