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Sometimes. I love visiting bookstores. Because you know what? I get to spoil my eyes with hundreds or even thousands of books! If you guys didn't know, Im a huge book  lover. I like to read Young Adult books and Novels. So I guess, I wouldn't regret myself for going to bookstore this time. Maybe I could buy a new one. In fact, Im almost done reading the Selection by Kiera Cass so I'm going to buy the next book. The Elite.

Yay. Nice. Good thing I have brought my savings with me.

I went into the novel books aisle first. I may spot some Lauren Oliver book here. Then I saw the Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver at the topmost part of the shelf. I couldn't reach it so I jumped as high as I could but I ended up with falling books on my head.

"That hurts! " I said to myself as I scratched my head. The pain was still bearable so no need to worry. Hehe.

I saw some people laughed at me instead of helping me. What the?!! I just smiled, a sarcastic smile, just to knock their laughs down and to show them that I am not affected. So that was quite embarrassing.  That was quite a show to catch everyone's attention.

I knelt down to pick up the books . I was about to reach for a book when someone grabbed it.

"He--" Wait. Mark Kevin?

"Hello miss president. "

"Oh what are you doing here?" Ugh. Just a random question popped in my head.

"Helping you." Mark Kevin smiled.

"Yeah yeah I know. I mean befor--"

"Buying these." He reached into his pocket and handed out me the list of the things he need. We have the same list.

"I'm going to buy the same thing too! " I smiled.

"I think we're classmates. Im not sure because we hadn't met at classes today. Ma'am Corazon just gave me this for her English class tomorrow. "

"What a small world. " Was all I just said. Funny thing. Hehe.

So Mark Kevin placed the books back . He's taller than me okeh.

"What happened?" Mark Kevin asked as we go around inside the bookstore.

"Hehe I just saw Lauren Oliver's book and I tried to reach for it. And then it happened."

"Next time you should ask for assistance miss president." Mark Kevin shook his head.

"I thought I can. Wait, You can just call me by my name when we're outside the school. Or like  outside the club room."

"Sorry. I was just used to. I don't know about you that much."

"Call me Jessy. I know your name. Mark Kevin." Then we both laughed.

We went around the bookstore as we find the things that are on our list.

"Okay. One more left."

"Here!" Mark Kevin pointed out the index cards.

"But it's too many. We just need fifteen of 'em."

"We can share. I'll pay for it. "
Hmm. Mark Kevin is nice huh? Great.

"Okay so we're done. Let's see. One clearbook, check. Short sliding folder, okay. Bond paper, fastener, index card, check. " I put a check on the list before we went to the counter.

" Are you gonna go home? " Mark Kevin asked as we walked into the streets.

"Uhm. I don't know. But I want something to eat. " I answered. Because Im really, really hungry.

"I know a place!" Mark Kevin grabbed my arm and we ran til we reached into a pizza parlor.

"Pizza Subway? I like their pizzas!" I said, excitedly. I really wanted to eat.

We went inside and asked the waiter for a table for two. He had ours by the window.

"What do you want? " He asked as he flipped through he pages of the menu.

"Beefy mushroom pizza slice. Then a baked macaroni."


"What?" I raised him an eyebrow.

"Nothing. I was going to order the same thing too." Mark Kevin laughed a little. He called the waiter to tell our orders. "Two Beefy mushroom pizza slice and two baked macaroni. Then two Honey Lemon Iced Tea. That's all."

"How did you know my drink?" I asked.

"I never thought you were thinking the same drink huh." He answered.

I felt quite differently. I never experienced eating out in a pizza parlor, with a guy you just met earlier that day. There were random thoughts in my head. And the weirdest thing to think was,  does he like me?  I know it's kinda unordinary. Or Im just over thinking about a simple thing like I want to wonder why or what. Idunno. Im being so random again.

"Do you read books?" Mark Kevin asked as he broke the 'awkward' silence while we were waiting for our food.

"Yes. Why? "

"I just wanna know. What genre?"

"I like novels, fictions, more on romance. And sometimes dystopian reads like, Hunger Games."

"I read books too. It's my favorite past time. Well me I like to read Dan Brown's and I am a huge fan of Harry Potter Series. I have also read some few classics like The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemmingway." He said. Mark Kevin likes to read books too? What else in this world do we have the same interests? Strange huh?

"It's my first time to hear about Hemmingway." True. I never read classics like that.

"He's a great writer. But Mr. Hemmingway says a lot of things I don't understand. But I love it all the same. The way he tells it I feel I am right there on the spot watching it all happen."

"A fine writer will always make you feel that," I said. "Just allow the words to play around you,like music."

Such a nice feeling when you found out that he's interested with books too. And the way Mark Kevin talks, I can see he is really a reader. Nice one Jessy!
Speaking of books, I forgot to buy the Elite! Ugh. I just shook my head and slapped my forehead.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I forgot to buy a book. "

"We can always go back to the bookstore."

"Im too lazy to go back."

Mark Kevin laughed. He's easy to be with huh? What a nice thing our conversation started with books. Well atleast I don't need to buckle for words because we have common interests we could talk about. Yay!
Mark Kevin paid for the food and I paid for the drinks. I actually insisted that it was my treat, but he insisted himself to pay for it. So for both of us to agree, I'll pay for the drinks, he'll pay for the food.

As we walk our way to our home, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I couldn't get over about him. I shook my head to stop myself from dreaming. Just stop Jessy. Don't let it happen to be your crush. Stop. Mark Kevin's house was quite far so we seperated ways at the bus stop.
I waved him goodbye before I went off.

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